chapter one

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I woke up to the sun beaming through my window onto my face

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I woke up to the sun beaming through my window onto my face. Today was the last day of summer before I start my senior year and my mom just loves to tell me I'm not a kid anymore.

"Good morning, Miss Peyton." My mother joked, pushing my bedroom door open.

"Good morning," I laughed, stretching.

"Don't forget I need you to take your brothers to practice today." My mom said.

"What time?" I asked.


I rolled over and grabbed my alarm clock and saw that it was 10 o'clock and thrashed around in my sheets. I felt around my bed for my phone and none of my friends were awake yet. Shocker. I rolled out of bed, literally, hitting my floor with a thud.

"If you make us late to practice because you're being weird, I'm telling coach that you have to skate my sprints." My youngest brother, Liam, said from the doorway of my bedroom.

"And mine!" My other little brother Brady, Liam's older twin by just 6 minutes, called as he passed my room.

"We have an hour and a half would you two relax?" I laughed, rolling over to my back.

"Come on Peyton, get off the floor." My dad laughed as he walked past my room.

"Ugh, why can't you people just let me live my life?" I whined.

"You're not a kid anymore!" My mom called from the laundry room.

There it is. Bright and early. I pulled myself off my rug and rubbed my eyes as I shuffled to the bathroom. I quickly did my morning routine which included washing my face, brushing my teeth, and brushing my hair. I stumbled back to my bedroom and flopped back down on my bed, grabbing my phone again and scrolling through social media.

"Peyton!" Brady yelled at me from my door frame.

"What? I'm ready!" I laughed.

"You're in your pajamas!" He fake yelled, giggling as he spoke.

"Okay sweatpants and a tank top, while I might sleep in them, are not pajamas and I can absolutely drop you off at hockey practice in this attire. Considering I'm not even getting out of the car!" I explained, sticking my tongue out at him.

"You are so annoying!" Brady laughed, walking out of my room.

"You know what, just for that comment, I'm vlogging today!" I yelled, immediately hearing both of my brothers grunt in response.

My brothers and I are very close, my mom is an only child and my dad only has one sister who didn't have kids so we don't have cousins and grew up just the three of us kids. I started my YouTube channel when I was a freshman because I posted a montage of snapchat memories from a family vacation on my instagram story and so many people told me it was funny watching my crazy family. I grabbed my Canon G7x, the stereotypical vlog camera, and propped it up on my vanity in my bedroom before hitting record.

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