chapter seventeen

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"Hey, get up

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"Hey, get up." Quinn's voice shook me from my dreams. "You have practice in 15 minutes."

"Oh shit." I said, throwing my comforter off of me and running to the bathroom.

I quickly got ready and changed my clothes before rushing down to the kitchen to grab a protein bar and a few water bottles. I hurried out to my car and raced to the rink, I was barely parked when I shut off my car and made a break for the doors.

"Nice of you to show up, Cap." Trevor cracked as I walked into the locker room.

"Shut up Z." I said, dropping my bag in my stall to try and change as quickly as possible.

"I had so much fun last night. Marley and Peyton are so cool." Ryder said.

"Yeah, we gotta chill with them more." Danny added.

"We chill with them all the time. You fools have to chill with us more." Alex said.

"Now they're in Papis so you guys will know all the plans." I said as I laced my skates.

"Alright boys." Coach Wroblewski came in the locker room. "We're gonna do some basic conditioning and drills today. Quick and easy, I don't plan on keeping you all day. Mainly because I don't feel like being here all day." He smiled, making us laugh. "Hughes, Zegras, Turcotte, Appert asked for you guys to stay for the 16s practice today."

"No problem Coach." Trev said as he grabbed his stick and walked out of the locker room.

"Word on the street is your girlfriend has more goals than you this season." Wroblewski smiled.

"Oh, I am gonna kill Alex." I laughed.

After practice, Trevor, Alex and I changed into our regular clothes before heading back out onto the ice to wait for the 16s. We were messing around a little with a puck for a while before the coaches came out onto the ice, shaking our hands.

"We want you guys to defend on some of our drills today. Give some pointers on goal scoring and just really push our guys." Coach Appert explained to us.

"Yeah no problem." Alex said.

As all the boys came out and started warming up I quickly noticed the twins were missing.

"Dukes." I called my little brother over. "Where are the twins?"

"I don't know, they told me they couldn't come today. They cleared it with Coach." Luke explained, skating off again.

"That's weird. Those boys live for hockey." Trevor said.

"Yeah, I can't imagine why they'd miss practice." Alex added.

"Coach Appert." I said, skating over to him with boys behind me. "Where are the Cane boys?"

"Uh, they couldn't make it today." He said, looking at his skates. "A death in the family."

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