chapter five

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When I got home from school I immediately changed into some leggings and a tank top

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When I got home from school I immediately changed into some leggings and a tank top. I had started doing my homework in the front den of my house when there was knock at my door. I pushed myself off the floor and shuffled over to the door. "Did you guys order food?" I yelled as I opened the door to see Trevor. "Oh, hey Trevor."

"Hi, uh Jack told me to bring this to you on my way home." He said, holding out my wallet.

"You are a life saver, thank you so much." I grinned.

"Yeah, no problem" He said, rocking back and forth from his heals to his toes, looking around.

"Spit it out." I laughed.

"What?" He asked.

"Whatever you're not saying,"

"I'm not not saying anything," He lied.

"That's a double negative." I smiled. "Which implies that you have something to say, so say it."

"You wanna hang out for a little?" He asked and I thought my jaw hit the floor.


"Yeah, you know what stupid question, its a school night after all, see you in school. Have a goodnight!" He said turning around.

"Trevor," I said, and he turned back to face me. "Do you mean right now?"

"Uh, yeah if that works for you." He asked.

"Let me get my shoes." I smiled.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded. "Cool, uh yeah, I'll be in the car."

I shut the door and jogged up stairs to my bedroom, grabbing my typical white vans and my phone before jogging back downstairs. "Boys, I'm going out with my friends for a little. Tell mom I'll be back by eight!" I called out as I got out the front door before the million questions.

At the bottom of the pathway to my house sat Trevors blue F-150 with him perched in the drivers seat.

"Where we headed?" I asked jumping in.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Always." I smiled.

New Message from Marley

Hey you wanna come by my house for dinner tonight? My mom's making your favorite, chicken alfredo.

So tempting but I'm on my way to grab something to eat with Trevor

First Hughes and now Zegras?
Is my best friend becoming a puck bunny?

Shut up Marley

Trevor pulled into the local pizza place and we went in and sat down.

"So are you any good at math? Because I am not and I'm gonna need a lot of help." He laughed.

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