chapter thirty-one

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"Are you dressed yet?" I asked, dusting off the last of my baking powder

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"Are you dressed yet?" I asked, dusting off the last of my baking powder.

"Just about." Jack said, stepping out of the hotel bathroom with his blue pants with subtle pink lines, a white button up, and a tie that complimented his suit nicely.

"You look good, baby." I smiled, gawking at him.

"So do you mama." He said, bending down to kiss the top of my head as I was sitting on the floor.

"You excited?" I asked him.

"Nervous a bit, actually." He said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You have nothing to be nervous about." I told him as I cleaned up my makeup.

"It's just like, this is the start of my life. After today I'm not a kid anymore, I'll have a full time adult job. Living on my own, away from my friends, my family, you." He said, pushing his hair off his forehead. "Kinda makes me nauseous."

"Listen," I got up and placed myself on his lap. "Wherever you end up, we're all going to support you. I'm going to be with you all summer long, wherever you have to go make sure you get two tickets because I'm right there. Even next year, we're gonna come visit all the time. I'll be here more than the guys because they're gonna be playing but, we're not going anywhere. Don't fear the future because it's unknown, look forward to the mystery."

Jack smiled a little before kissing me and resting his forehead on mine while he took a deep breath.

"Thank you for being here." He said.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." I told him, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.

I placed one last kiss on his temple before I stood up to get changed. I brought my baby blue dress with me and some nude heels.

"Can you zip me up?" I asked Jack.

He walked over and placed two sweet kisses on my shoulder before zipping my dress for me.

"You take my breath away." He told me when I turned to face him.

The sweet silence was interrupted by the obnoxious knocks on the door that I knew could only be Trevor and Cole.

"It's open!" Jack called out with a smile.

"What's good homies?" Trevor asked walking in all dressed up.

"Oh stop it, I'm gonna cry." I said, covering my mouth. "All three of you stand together."

"Peyton you sound like my mom." Cole said.

"Shut up and get together." I said.

"Damn, now she sounds like mine." Jack said, putting his jacket on.

I took pictures of the boys in the room before we realized we told everyone we'd meet them on the water for pictures and it was time to go. The four of us made our way down to the lobby and got an uber to the water front by Rodgers Arena.

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