chapter thirteen

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"Are you almost ready?" My dad asked, walking into my room

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"Are you almost ready?" My dad asked, walking into my room.

"I've been ready, I'm waiting on Brady." I said as I stood off my bed.

"Tell him to hurry up." My dad said as he disappeared down the hall.

"B, come on dad's getting antsy." I said, banging on the bathroom door.

"I'm washing my hands, I'll be out in two." He said.

I jogged down the stairs to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle as Liam came in from the living room.

"So dad you excited to meet Peyton's boyfriend?" Liam asked and my dad's eyes shot up from his phone.

"Peyton's what?"

"Seriously Liam, do you ever shut the hell up?" I asked.

"What is he talking about?" My dad smiled.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Oh really?" My dad grinned.

"Not my boyfriend, we've gone out a couple times." I explained.

"And who is this boy?"

"I'll tell you after the game." I said.

"Mhm." My dad hummed, grabbing his keys as Brady came in.

"What'd I miss?" Brady asked.

"Nearly the puck drop. Come on." My dad said, walking out the back door with the three of us following.

The ride to the arena was filled with laughter and jokes as usual with my dad and brothers. When we arrived my dad went off to the locker room to meet with the Coaches.

"Hey boys." Luke's voice called from behind us. "Peyton." He smiled.

"Hey Luke," I smiled, noticing his parents.

"Mom, Dad, these are my friends Brady and Liam and this is their older sister Peyton, Jack's girlfriend." Luke said.

"Very nice to meet you, Jack talks about you a lot." His dad said, shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you guys two, Jack speaks very highly of you both Mr. and Mrs. Hughes." I smiled.

"Oh please, Mr. Hughes makes me feel old. Call me Jim and this is my wife Ellen." He smiled.

"Okay." I blushed.

"Jack told me to tell you to go down to the locker room when you got here." Luke said.

"Am I allowed to do that?" I laughed.

"Your dad is Rob Cane, pretty sure you can do whatever you want." Jim smiled.

"Okay, nice to meet you." I said again before walking off toward the locker room.

I entered the hallway where the entrances were and crossed paths with my dad.

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