chapter twenty-nine

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"You could not look anymore miserable, could you Z?" Turcs asked as I adjusted my tie in the mirror

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"You could not look anymore miserable, could you Z?" Turcs asked as I adjusted my tie in the mirror.

"Dude this fucking sucks." Trevor said, sitting up. "It's senior prom and I don't have a date. Me? I'm a stud!"

"You could have asked someone?" I said.

"I would but all the girls I talk to are dating you two, Cole, and Nick." He said.

"Some stud." Case laughed.

"Yeah, keep chirping McCarthy. Where's your date?" Trevor snipped.

"Wah." Case said, sticking his tongue out.

"Peyton, baby! We're gonna be late for pictures!" Wendy yelled up the stairs.

"We'll be right down!" She yelled, followed by giggles from Marley, Abby, and Jamie.

"The giggle worries me." Nick said.

"Why is that worrisome?" Cole asked.

"That means they're lying." Nick said. "When the three of them are together, if one of them lies the others giggle. Dead giveaway."

"Son of a bitch. We're gonna be so late." Alex said, sitting down.

"No we're not." Trevor said, running up the stairs. "Yeo!" He yelled before opening the door.

"Trevor! Get out!" Jamie yelled, followed by things being thrown.

"You're supposed to be downstairs! Let's go!" He yelled, shutting the door.

Trevor came back down and tugged his jacket with pride before buttoning it.

"They'll be down shortly." He said, making us all laugh.

The guys and I had begun doing stupid things to keep ourselves entertained until we finally heard heels down the stairs.

"God bless America." Pat said, getting off the couch.

Alex, Nick, Cole, and I stood patiently at the bottom of the stairs with corsages in a line as Wendy took pictures of us and the girls coming down the stairs. It was just Abby and Jamie at first but they looked stunning, I actually think I saw Cole cry.

"You guys look beautiful." I said.

"Thank you, Jack." Abby hugged me.

"Look alive Rowdy." Trevor elbowed me as he was looking at the stairs where Peyton was, his jaw practically on the floor. When I finally turned around, my jaw was in the basement.

"Peyton.." Wendy said, choked up. "You look beautiful baby."

"Mom, don't cry." She smiled.

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