2. Don't Say Bae.

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Hunter's POV

That guy is a pervert. I see how he eyes her up all the time, and he knows that I see it. He just flaunts his charm at me to make me feel like a coward, because I am. I can tell he doesn't like me. Its because he's jealous, he's doesn't connect with Aly like I do and I've known her about as long as he has. He's irritated when Alyssa talks to me because when she looks at him, he acts like he's laughing along, which is why he always stands behind her.

"I just don't understand why you like him." I say sitting down at the Starbucks table while Aly sits in the seat across from me.

"He's sweet, charming, caring and... c'mon you have to admit he's hot." She takes some of her drink in her mouth with a slight smirk.

Coffee almost flys out of my nose "Lys, even if I did think he was hot, I wouldn't tell anyone." I joke while she laughs like a kid and the liquid stays in her cheeks like a chipmunk as she tries not to choke like I just did.

Only a few seconds go by before she finally swallows her drink. "Good point." She laughs again then takes another sip of coffee, twirling her fingers around the top. She hasn't been herself as much lately and its worrying me.

When our laughter dies down there's a silence. Brief and a little awkward, which doesn't happen often between the two of us.

I take a deep breath in. "So," she looks up at me "are you guys like serious yet or..?"

She shakes her head "Nah, I want to take it slow. I've only been dating him for a few weeks." She says taking another sip.

"Good instincts." I saying pointing at her.

Once again her eyes roll so hard I'm surprised she hasn't fallen over. "I don't see why you hate him so much! He likes you!"

"Yeah, when you're looking." I mumble to myself.

"What?" I opened my mouth to talk but I was cut off by her cell phone ringing. "Oh, uh sorry, one sec." She says holding up her finger and answering the phone. This is weird, she usually never answers her phone when she's with me. "Hello? Oh hey babe!"

"Speaking of the devil himself." I say so only she can hear me. She gives me the evil eye and waves her hand at me motioning to shut up. I just laugh and take another sip of my coffee.

"Yeah sure! Yeah yeah. I'll be there in 10. Alright, bye." She hangs up.

"'Hey babe?' really?" I mock.

"What?" she asks grinning.

"Wow thats... wow." I joke. "Thats sad, thats actually pathetic." She looks up at me and I can't hold my smile in any longer.

"You're a dork!" She laughs and whacks my chest as we walk towards the door.

"Yeah, I know." I hold open the door and walk her to her car. "Okay, same time next Friday? Or do you and your bae have plans?" I ask trying not to blush.

"Bae? Really?" She raises her eye brow and I laugh at my joke. "Can you stop?" She asks and nudging my shoulder with her own. I can tell she's trying to hold in her laughter.

"Aww come on! I'm just messing with you." I lightly "punch" her arm as she unlocks her doors.

"Yeah you're just sooo funny!" She opens her door and throws her purse in the passenger seat. "Alright, I gotta go home-"

"To your bae." I cut in. She narrows her eyes at me as a smile slowly creeps up on my face.

"If you say bae one more time, I'm going to kill you." she threatens, playfully sticking her finger in my face.

"Mmhmm, you wouldn't do that you love me too much." I say in a gushy voice.

Her eyes roll "Whatever. I gotta go, bye." I pull her into a hug and squeeze her tight. I know Jack doesn't really hug her because it's not "manly" or whatever. He's such a jerk, a real man wouldn't say that.

I quickly kiss the top of her head and squeeze so she can't breathe "Hunter!" She groans. I let go a little and she slips from my arms "Bye." She gets in her car and pulls away. I stroll back to mine and watch the love of my life - I mean, my best friend drive away into someone else's arms.

Sorry, not sorry.

Alyssa's POV

"Hey, babe." I hear Jack say walking in the door.

"Hey!" I push myself off the couch and get up walking over to him giving him a hug. He isn't really a hugger though. He said it wasn't 'manly' to hug people. Psht, guys.

"So I got some stuff for us to eat dinner here." He says smiling, pulling things from bags he brought. "And here's the best part," he pulls out a really expensive bottle of red wine "Ta-da!"

"Oh my gosh! Jack you didn't have to do that!" I grab it and read to see what kind it is.

"But I wanted to, for you." He whispers.

"Awe!" I wrap my arms around his neck, he puts his hand on my butt and I quickly pull away.

"Whats the matter?" He asked like nothing had just happened.

"Oh, uh nothing. I just- I wanted to take things slow I guess."

"Alright. I get it." He nods giving me a soft smile.

"You do?" I ask almost astonished, usually guys are mean about this kind of thing.

"Yeah. Of course! Lets eat?" He asks. And Hunter said he's known for bad relationships! How? He's respectful and doesn't make things awkward, other than the hugging thing. Who could ask for anything more?



"Why'd you take the bottle away I wasn't finished?!" Jack shouts at me as I walk into the kitchen.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. Chill babe." I quickly return the bottle to the table, shocked that he just yelled at me. He's never done that before, I've never even seen him angry, now that I think about it.

He scoffs. "Whatever." He pours his glass full. "I buy you the best wine I could find and you take it away like you don't care." He mumbles angrily.

"Hey, no no no, I care. I'm really glad you did, it's amazing." I walk back over and kneel down next to him so I'm looking up. "I just thought you were done thats all. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

He drinks the last of the wine and slams the glass down on the table. "I'm going to bed." I stand up and he does too. "Move!" He grabs my arm and pushes me out of the way, storming off into the bedroom.

I regain my balance and sweep the hair off my face so I can see my arm. I lift it up and see that theres already red marks there from where he grabbed me. I lightly touch them but wince in pain as my arm throbs.

Maybe he had a bad day.

I tell myself.

This won't happen again.

It won't.

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