30. Thinking About You.

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Jen's POV

I hate to admit it, I hate that I'm feeling these things, but I've been thinking,

about Hunter

a lot.

But I haven't dare told a soul. Not even Rebekah, I don't want to be feeling like this but I can't help it. His head's in my mind all the time. He's adorable and I find myself forgetting about Aly completely, thinking that he's single like he's always been. I would even find myself thinking that I would rather have Hunter as a boyfriend than Aly as a friend. I mean I don't want to hurt Aly, I don't want to be her ex-friend, but it seems like her and Rebekah are getting closer, she's blowing me off all the time to do things with Aly and it angers me to no end. Before it was just me and Rebekah, now its Rebekah, Aly and stupid old Jen tagging along in the background. If Aly isn't around then thats all Rebekah talks about, either her or Hunter.

Ugh.... Hunter.

He was so sweet and after we had coffee that day, I felt sparks. Big ones. Like grand finale but it didn't end until he left. I was in another world with him.

Did he secretly have the same feelings for me? I mean theres no way those feelings could have been one ended...

Hunter's POV

I rarely thought about Jen after we had coffee, yeah she was sweet and all, but I wasn't into her. The thing I did think about was what Dann said. What if she did like me and I lead her on, on accident? I was thinking about what I said, and I thought about it so much I couldn't remember what I actually said or what I wish I'd said, and done. I should've never done that. Every time I see her or get near her she starts getting flirty, and she knows it, because whenever Aly walks back in she stops. I can't completely ignore her because I'm not that kind of person, but I don't want her to think I'm leading her on.


I'm having a party for finally finishing the record with our friends. Of course, that wasn't many people, just my band, some co-workers, and Rebekah and Jen.

"Hey Aly, can you help me get some more chairs from the back?" I ask walking over to the counter where she was talking to my band. Great, they're probably both telling each other embarrassing stories of me.

"Hold on, I wanna finish this story." She says laughing. I see Jen come up beside me.

"I'll help." She says giving me a soft smile.

"Aw thank Jen!" Aly says and returns back to her story.

"Yeah, uh just follow me." I say forcing an awkward smile. We walk back behind the wall of the apartment and before I can even get halfway down the hall she grabs my hand and turns me around.

"Hey." Jen says, she tries to make her eyes big and leans in towards me, this is probably the only reason she came to this party. She stood in the back the whole time and I felt like she was watching me. I gave her another smile and turned to get some random chairs. "So I've been thinking about you, a lot. Ever since our coffee date." She says standing behind me crossing her arms.

"Wait what?" I say putting the chair back down. "That wasn't a date. That was a, you-had-a-break-the-same-time-as-me-and-we-drank-our-coffee-at-the-same-table-for-about-30-seconds 'thing'." I pick the chair back up. "Not to be rude but I don't want you thinking it was anything more." I honestly didn't want to be rude, but I'm tired of her flirting with me.

"Excuse me?" She asks moving closer, but annoyed this time.

I put the chair down again and let out a sigh. "Look," I say turning to her. "you're Aly's friend. It's not like you don't know that my girlfriend is on the other side of the wall. You're a good person, but I'm in love with Aly." She gave me a blank stare. "I'm not trying to be mean, and I'm sorry for screaming at you, but you need to... just stop flirting with me."

"Oh I don't flirt with you!" She protests.

I give her that I-call-bullshit look. "Yes, you do, and you know it! Every time Aly leaves the room you get close and start talking to me and when she comes back in-"

"Oh enough with Aly! She's all I hear about, and not just from you!" She shouts. I hope nobody notices how long we've been gone or can hear us yelling.

"What are you talking about?"

"All Rebekah talks about is what she did with Aly, or what joke Aly told her and its just Aly Aly Aly all the time!" I didn't know what to say so I just stood there letting her finish her rant. "Do you ever see Aly inviting me over? If I ever do come over its because Rebekah is here or I'm getting something for Rebekah that she left here. I'm constantly getting blown off and I'm the third wheel and I'm sorry if I just wanted a little attention!" She says in one breath and puts her head in her hands and starts crying.

"Hey, its okay." I give her a hug and rub her back. "Hey." I shake her so she will look up at me. "There's someone out there for you okay? They'll make you feel like the most amazing person in the world and will give you their full and complete attention."

"Doubt it." She whimpers, I know she's probably doing this for attention, but I'd rather not walk back out into the living room with a girl crying.

"Yes you will, but that is not me. I don't want you to feel bad, so can we just forget this ever happened?" I ask and give her a real smile this time.

She sniffs in a few more times and nods her head. I run in the bathroom and give her some tissues. "Thanks." She mumbles.

"Good, now perk up Jen because we have a party to go to!" I say and hand her a chair. We walk back out and put the chairs down letting a few more people sit.

"Hey," I hear Dann say behind me. I quickly turn around and see him grab my shoulder. "What was that about?" He asks motioning back to the hallway.

"I'll tell you later." I say and make my way back to Aly.

"Hey Lys." I say and put my head on her shoulder.

"Heyy." Aly giggles and kisses my cheek before looking back to Sam waiting for him to tell his story.


*after the party*

Both of us cleaned up all the trash, vacuumed the crumbs and at about 2:30 am we finished and flopped down on the couch.

"Hey, I don't want to sound weird or whatever," Aly murmurs while resting her head on my chest. "but what took you and Jen so long getting the chairs?" I could see the worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry Aly, its fine-"

"Rebekah says when I walk out of the room she starts flirting with you. Is that true?" Her eyes were getting glossy.

"It used to be, but now it's good. She told me she feels left out, and she just wanted attention." She goes to say something but closes her mouth. "She said Rebekah blows her off to go places with you, a lot."

"Oh my gosh," she gasps putting her hand over her mouth. "I never even realized that, but it makes sense now."

"Maybe just invite Jen next time." I say and rub her shoulder pulling her closer.

"I feel so bad now." She pouts. "But that still doesn't explain why-"

"I told you, she wanted attention. I told her there was a guy out there for her, but I wasn't me. I confronted her about it and we both agreed to pretend like it never happened." I nod confidently and she giggles.

"What never happened?" Part of me feels offended she would ever think that I would do something like that to her, but remembering what she got out of not that long ago reminds me that this isn't going to be something that changes overnight.

"Just flirting, she never actually made a move, but she made it obvious and I was so uncomfy." Not trying to be rude, but I made a face and she giggles.

"I don't blame her, you're perfect." She bites her lip.

"I'm not perfect, but I try for you." I feel a grin spread on my face as her lips melt into mine.

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