7. Unfair.

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"Hey babe, can you make some coffee I have a major headache." I hear Jack say behind me the next morning.

"Yup, just a sec." I grab a mug and pour some mud. All I wanna do is ask, but I'm a little hesitant because I'm afraid. He takes a sip and holds his head in his hands. "Do uh, do you remember uh.." I start to say, more nervous than I want.

"Yeah?" He asks looking up at me with one eye pinched closed.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" I ask trying not to sound uneasy, but failing miserably.

"Um, I remember taking shots and laughing but after that its a total blur." He says chuckling and taking another sip. "Why?"

"Well I just," I didn't know how to say it. "its just last night when you got home, you got kinda mad at me and threw your uh, beer bottle at me." I tuck my hair behind my ear so he can see on of the bandages that Hunter gave me. "and then threw me on the ground."

"Oh my gosh! Did I really?!" He gets up and still holding his head, but is too concerned about me. "Alyssa I'm so sorry! I never meant to hurt you. Will you forgive me?" his eyes lock with mine and I instantly melt, he's so beautiful.

"Yeah." I say tucking my bottom lip under my top one.

"Good." He leans down and kisses my forehead returning to his coffee. "I really am sorry." I give him and soft smile and hug his chest. He tenses up and almost pushes me off.

"What?" I ask annoyedly.

"I don't feel that bad." He growls taking his coffee and making his way into the living room. "You know I don't like hugging people!" he yells so that I can hear him.

Wow. What a gentleman.

After grabbing myself some coffee I walk back into the living room and sit in the chair diagonal from him. We turn on CMT music videos and sit in silence. The last few seconds of Carrying Your Love With Me by George Strait ends and then I hear the first few seconds of the next song and almost jump out of my seat. "Oh my gosh Jack! Thats Hunter!!" I turn it all the way up and grab my phone calling Hunter. He picks up and I don't say anything I just put my phone up to the TV speakers.


"I know! This is the first time I've seen it on TV! I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks for calling me. I gotta go I'm about to do an interview."

"Oh yeah, uh sorry." I blush of embarrassment because I should have known he's busy. I'm so used to just calling him like a normal person, now it's so much different.

"No no its fine! Really it is. Thanks again!" He says, his perkiness is so contagious.

We exchange goodbyes and I hang up. I turn around and see Jack standing right behind me and I almost peed my pants. "Oh my gosh Jack! You scared me." I gasp, letting out a small breathy laugh.

"Why were you talking to him?" He asks clearly pissed off.

"Um, because his song was just on TV for the first time," I say in a duh tone. "Weren't you there?" I point back into the living room.

"I don't want you talking to him anymore." He says crossing his arms and his jaw muscles get tight with anger.

"What?! Why not?! Jack, he's my best friend!"

"Why can't I be your best friend huh?" He starts getting upset, now I can't tell if he's angry or sad. "I feel like he's trying to sabotage us." Jack's pouting is quite pathetic.

"No you are its just, I don't know. But I wont stop talking to him." I retort as stern as I possibly can. "And Hunter would never do that."

"If you don't stop talking to him," he says poking my shoulder so hard it pushes me back "he's gonna be the one to suffer." He backs off and finishes his coffee. "I'm taking a shower." He announces and makes his way upstairs.

He can't do that!

Can he?

I hear my phone ring while Jack is still in the shower.


"Hey!" he says cheerfully. "I just did my last interview for the day so do you wanna do something later? I have a free rest of the day and thats not going to be like that for a while once this whole record recording starts."

"I uh," I make sure Jack is still in the shower. "I can't um," I didn't know how to put it without Hunter going off about how I shouldn't be with Jack. "I can't talk to you anymore."

"Did Jack-"

"For now at least. Its just- me and Jack hit a rough patch and-"

"You mean last night, when I was the one patching you up?" He asks, proving his point.

I let out a sigh. "Thats not fair." I choke out almost tearing up.

"No Aly, you have no idea what unfair is." His voice is shaking too. "Youve only been dating for like two months what could possibly-"

"We just need to work through this alone!" He's right and I really dont have an answer so I cut him off. "He wants my full attention and we need this okay?"

I can tell he scoffs away from the phone "Fine. I just don't want him tearing our friendship apart."

"He won't, I promise." I lie. This is going downhill fast.

"Ya know, you promise a lot of things Aly." He says, clearly annoyed.

I hear the shower turn off.

"I have to go. Don't bother calling." I say and hang up not even listening to what he's saying.

"BABE?" I hear him yell from upstairs.


"CAN UM.. CAN YOU GET ME A TOWEL?" I smile and start to run upstairs.

"ON MY WAY." I quickly grab a towel and stick my hand in the door handing him the towel.

"I can't reach." He says, I know theres a devious smirk on his face right now.

"Oh I see how it is." I say giggling a little bit. I slowly open the door and see him standing in the shower and hand the towel to him.

He smiles and once it was around his waist he pushes me up against the wall moving his hands up my sides kissing me intensely, a little more than I want. Correction: a lot more than I want.

Then he starts to pull down my pants. I quickly shake my head and pull away from our kiss and grab his hands. "Yellow flag." He backs off and now he's angry again. "Yellow flag."

"Really?! Don't lead me on like that!" He walks away from me. I stay against the wall in shock. Really? He's upset with me right now? How is this my fault?!

"Excuse me? I didn't do anything! You're the one that kissed me!" I correct, pointing to him.

He scoffs and turns around back to me. "Get out of the bathroom." He mumbles and I do what he asks with tears in my eyes.

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