11. What If?

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"Hey babe!" Jack walks in the door, greeting me like he always does with a kiss on my cheek. "Look I- what?! When did you get a cast?! Did I- did I do that?" He was so concerned about me, but he sounded weird, like he was exaggerating or something.

Did he not notice it earlier?

"Um, yeah. Last night I drove to the hospital and they said I only needed a cast for about a week." I say nodding my head.

"I'm so sorry, Aly. I- I don't know what came over me." He moved closer to me, putting his hand on my back, slowly moving it down. "Its just, you're so beautiful and I want you sometimes."

"Jack." I say clearing my throat.

"Aw come on! I'm just teasing! It wont happen again." He kisses my cheek again and whispers in my ear. "I need you." then slowly lets go of my hand walking upstairs.

My phone starts to vibrate and I see Hunter calling me. "Hello?"

"Aly, are you okay?"

"Hunter, you can't just call me like that!" I whisper shout. "You should know that by now!"

"I'm sorry. But did you talk to him? what did he say?"

"That it wouldn't happen again and that he needed me." I say confidently.

"Aly," he says back flatty. What is his problem?

"Look, you can't just call me like this anymore!" I turn around and make sure Jack isn't behind me.

"And why not?" He asks, I can tell where this is going.

I let out a sigh "I have a boyfriend now,"

"That doesn't mean you need to stop talking to your best friend." I feel a lump in my throat and I'm about to cry because he's right. "I am still your best friend, right? Aly?"

"I need to go, goodbye Hunter." I hang up and throw my phone on the counter.

"Talking to someone?" I whip around and see Jack standing behind me with his arms crossed over his chest leaning against the door frame.

"I uh- I..." I back up against the counter, I know whats coming. "How much of that did you hear?" I ask nervously.

"Enough to know you're talking to Hunter and that he knows what happened." He starts to move closer and I tense up. "I told you I didn't want you talking to him anymore." His voice was slowly rising.

"I'm not, I'm not. It's just, well, he was my best friend and its hard to just stop talking, to, him..." My sentence turns into a mumble when I realize I'm probably just making it worse. "I was telling him to not talk to me I-"

"I thought I was your best friend." He grabs my non-hurt arm and I can already tell he's going to leave a bruise.

"Ow! Jack you're hurting me again!" I wince in pain and let a tear escape from my eye.

"Too bad!" He pounds my face and I fall back onto the counter, still keeping my balance.

That was a mistake.

"Oh so not you wanna be strong?"

I start to sit up. "That's IT! I'M LEAVING!" I get up and try to make a break for the door.

"I wouldn't do that." He growls grabbing my arm and pulling me back towards him. I watch, waiting for him to say something. He looks at me for a few seconds and starts laughing. "Wow, you don't get it do you?" He asks.

"Get what?" I want to cry and punch him in the face at the same time.

He leans in and talks softer, more devilish and angrily. "If you leave me, who's ever going to love you again?" I roll my eyes "Nobody! You're lucky you have me or you'd be lonely for the rest of your life!" I'm less annoyed more upset now as tears start to well up in my eyes. "Come on you know its true! Hunter's only calling you because he doesn't like me, its not like he loves you or anything! You aren't that hot."

"Yeah?" I ask trying to sounds confident, I feel a tear escape my eye and fall to the ground.

"Well duh! All I'm gonna say is, I don't have to worrying about anybody stealing my girl." He says and takes a drink of his whiskey. I hate that stuff. I hate when men drink it because all they want is to either hit you or have sex. He laughs again and pushes me away. "If you didn't have me you'd be alone forever."

"What are you trying to say?!" I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes hoping he won't see.

He sits down his drink and grabs my hair. He puts his lips next to my ear and whispers "If you ever want to be loved again, you won't leave." He pushes me so hard I almost fall and returns back to his drink walking over to the couch starting to watching TV.

I stand there a minute just in shock.

Does he really think I'm going to believe this load of bullshit?

But then my thoughts start to change into things I would never think I would ever consider.

What if he's right though? 

Hunter only calls about Jack anymore. I don't know anybody else, and if I do they don't love me, just use me.

What if he's right?

Does no one else love me?

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