13. In A Tree?

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*two weeks later*

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO KILL YOURSELF!" I hear from down the hall. Just two drinks in and I already know how tonight is going to go down. "I don't even know WHY I like you, you're fucking nOTHING." I didn't dare roll my eyes or make a face, even in a different room. "WHY CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT HUH?" He finally storms into the kitchen where I'm cooking dinner.

"I'm sorry." I say as calmly as I can. "I'm sorry." I don't even know what he's talking about this time. "Jack, I'm sorry." But that never stops him.

"GOD, YOU'RE SUCH A CUNT!" he strikes my face and I fall on the floor on purpose, because if I stay up he would beat me until I went down. He bends over me with a bottle of whiskey in his hand "Just fucking LEAVE, GET OUT? GO DIE IN A DITCH!" He grabs a knife and dangles it in my face."YOU'RE A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT, AND THE WORLD WOULD BE BETTER WITHOUT YOU IN IT!" He drops it next to me and starts spiting and yelling words that I can't understand.

That's it, I can't take this anymore.

Instead of trying to get up I crawl away until I'm out of reach and run out the back door. Luckily I have my phone in my back pocket. Theres a nice patch of woods right behind the house so I figure if I go far enough, he wont find me.

For what feels like forever I run and run and run until I can't, two weeks ago really fucked my body up. Through tear soaked eyes I find a tree and sit at the bottom of it. I realize I probably didn't have to run that far because he was so drunk, but it's too late I guess.

My eyes shut for a few seconds so I can focus on breathing through the pain that seems never ending at this point in my life.

The darkness surrounds me, I can barely see my hand in front of my face. When I look up I see the darker spots were the leaves are. It's peaceful though. I can hear the birds and crickets, I can see the lightning bugs flying around. It's nice.

The woods are very weird sometimes. It feels like they're watching you, to see what you do. There can't be many people that come out here, even though you know you're alone, you feel almost welcomed. It's a warm night and under any other circumstances it would almost be nice.

After sitting and catching my breath, I pull out my phone that's still in my pocket and I call the only person who I know will help me. My call doesn't go through the first time since I only have one bar, so what else is there to do but climb up in the tree to get a better signal.

"Stupid Sprint." I say to myself, finally the call goes through.

"Hey I thought I wasn't supposed to call you anymore?"

"Hunter," I say slowly touching my eye and wincing in pain. What just happened is finally starting to sync in and I have tears coming out of my eyes. "Hunter can-"

"What did he do?" He asks angrily yet sympathetically.

"Can you just come pick me up?" I ask leaning back against the tree.

"Of course. Where are you?"

I look around me."Umm.... good question." Really where am I? "In a tree?" I say laughing a little bit, wiping my tears.

"In a tree?" I can tell he's smiling. "is this a joke? Am I being punked?"

"Yeah, well no. You're not being punked but I'm in the middle of the woods. Basically just run out my back door and go straight until you cant breathe." I say looking down playing with the bark in between my legs.

"Umm okay?" His voice gets high with confusion.

"Ya know what I'll just go back to my house-"

"NO! For godsakes Aly don't go back. Please, don't, you can't." He says letting out a breath.

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