1. How Lucky Am I?

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Alyssa's POV

"Why do you hate him so much?" I ask with my phone pressed against my cheek while walking around my kitchen, bare feet smacking against the hardwood.

"I don't know. I just get this, weird, vibe from him ya know?" His voice squeaks a little causing me to giggle.

"No, I don't, actually." I say letting out a breathy laugh. "He's perfect." I walk in my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and poke at my face.

He scoffs just before laughing. "Aly, just, please be careful, okay? He's known for sucking girls into bad relationships."

"Alright! Alright! Jeez you act like my big brother sometimes!" I say in a smile. Hunter really is like
my big brother, trying to protect me from anyone and everyone... and I mean that quite literally.

"Hey, I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all. Am I not allowed to care about you anymore now since you're dating that freak?" He asks in a disgusted tone, he just can't let it go can he?

"Hunter!" I scold. "Be nice! If you don't like him, you're just shit outta luck!" I rest my free hand on my hip even though he can't see me.

"Yeah, I already knew that." he sighs.

I walk out of my bathroom and turn off the light. "What?"

"Oh its nothing, I just, I gotta go. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

I sigh, slowly making my way into my bedroom "Alright, goodnight."

"Night." he whispers.

I hang up and throw my phone on my bed, falling down beside it. A smile slowly creeps up on my face as I think about the amazing thing thats happening, or about to happen.

Jack Muscleman. I'm going out with Jack freaking Muscleman!

"EKK!" I let out a screech and shake my arms excitedly for a few seconds. "Alright, Aly. Chill. You need you chill." I move my arms slower and try to take deep breaths, but another squeak comes out.

How lucky am I to go out with this amazingly attractive and nice guy?!

Jack Muscleman is everything a girl ever wants/needs. I mean he isn't perfect. He's only tall, handsome, cute, funny, sexy, smart... oh who am I kidding? He is perfect, and now were going on a date on Saturday.

what. is. my. life.

A/N: Short first chapter, welcome to my new story! I've been writing this for a while now actually. It started out as a one shot but then it kept growing and now its a full story! Also thanks to Leisa for helping me with the cover! I hope you guys like it ;) ~Nadine

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