*You are the cause of my euphoria*

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"You are the cause of my Euphoria"

Bottom!Kook, Top!Jimin

Third POV

"Hey, Jimin?" Jungkook yelled from the living room sofa. Jimin padded into the room from the kitchen carrying two bowls full of food, he also had two spoons hanging from his mouth, he squatted down next to the sofa and placed the steaming bowls down gently on the coffee table. He grabbed the spoons from his mouth and, after wiping them both on his jeans, handed Kookie his.

"Mhm?" Jimin questioned. He plonked his ass down next to Jungkook and slid his bowl closer to himself, picking up a spoonful he hesitantly blew on the steaming portion. As Jungkook had not replied he turned his head to see his boyfriend covering his face with his hoodie covered hands cutely. He was obviously blushing by the cute colour of his ears and Jimin dropped his spoon back into the bowl. "What?" he asked, a smile in his voice.

"The notebook, on the table." Jungkook muffled from under his sweater paws. Jimin turned, and for the first time, noticed the black Pukka Pad laying open on the table. Jimin picked it up and began to read: 'Hey Jimin. I have no clue how to say this, and I know I've made you wait for so long for this. But I trust you, you know? Like I know we've been in this relationship for what? Two and a half years? I'm completely in love with you, like who wouldn't be? I'm the luckiest guy alive to have you. Okay okay I'm rambling. I trust you, completely. And I'm scared, but I know I'll be safe in your arms. So will you show me what it means to be completely vulnerable with you? I trust you, god do I trust you. But Jimin, I'm so scared. I mashd ushda' Jimin stopped reading, the handwriting had gotten shaky and there were too many teardrops covering the writing to make the rest legible.

"Kook." The cute dork uncovered his face and looked into Jimin's eyes with big watery ones. "Are you sure you want this? I mean look at you. You're scared shitless" Jimin pushed the coffee table away from them and scooted onto the floor, he knelt in between Jungkook's spread knees and looked up at his precious boyfriend. To his surprise, Jungkook nodded. "Yes, I'm so ready. I'm just afraid of what I don't know" Kookie sniffed and wiped a tear away from his cheek with his already-damp sleeve. Jimin nodded and leant forwards. He kissed Jungkook's cheek softly and whispered into his soft skin. "You're always safe with me baby". Jungkook leant back and looked Jimin square in the eyes, the tears had stopped, and a little smile was creeping across his face. "Always safe" Jimin repeated as their lips softly merged together.

After finishing their food and cuddling on the couch for hours Jimin sat up, stomach slightly less full of dinner and sat forwards on the edge of the sofa. He looked down at the floor, or his hands, he didn't know, and started talking. "Look Kookie Baby, if I said anything to make you think we have to do this cos I'm too horny to keep my dick in my pants around other guys or if you think ill leave if we don't have sex soon or if I-" "No" Jimin was cut off by Jungkook, "no you haven't said anything, and I'm really glad you haven't. I'm doing this because I'm too horny, because I want to and because I trust you". Jungkook looked at the back of Jimin's head that was still crouched over and smiled. He sat up and shuffled forwards and hugged around his boyfriend's waist and back. Resting his head on his shoulder and kissing little kisses into his neck. "Because I'm safe with you", he paused, breathing, "and because I love you".

Jimin turned his head, "we stop anytime you want, anytime you're scared, anytime you need a breath" Jungkook just nodded along, "anytime I need to explain anything, anytime you feel overwhelmed or in pain." Jimin breathed in and looked seriously into Jungkook's glowing eyes. He nodded and kissed behind Jimin's ear cutely. "Mhm. I understand. If I wanna stop, we stop." Jimin nodded and rested a hand on Jungkook's thigh, this action had been done a thousand times before but now it felt weighted. Like the action held more than what it actually was.

Jimin X Jungkook smut and fluff one shots - JIKOOK Where stories live. Discover now