Panic Station (pt 1)

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Hi- this is my fanfic, not based on reality and definately not to weird Dom and Matt out ha ha , most if not all info about muse like tours recordings is probs i said not based on realityyyyyyyy


Its in the year like 2013, and Matt is 16, Chris 16, Dom 16. Like i said, no accuracy at all.

Basically using them as characters heheh but yeah

They all live in a small town in England, and are part of band.

so yeah...i cant believe i am writing fanfic.

Matt woke up. The second he did, he rolled back over in his bed, complaining to himself about having to get up.
He tapped on his phone to check the time, 9:32.
"Oh fuck" he said, he was meant to be meeting Chris and Dom that morning so they could all meet and hang out, but he was late, again.
He quickly threw on a grey shirt and some red jeans, he spiked up his already messy hair, and ran as fast as he could to reach his destination.

He arrived at the end of a long gravel driveway, panting out of breath, he saw Dom and Chris waving

Chris pulled out his phone and began recording Matt as he ran all the way down that very long gravel driveway.

"Hey!" Matt said once noticing Chris had been recording him run.

"Ah yes, here we have a wild Matt appears to be very out of shape, can't even run 10m without dying?"

Matt was swiping at Chris' phone trying to reach it, Chris was taller than Matt, by extending his arm in the air there was no way Matt cold reach his phone.

"" said Matt, out of breath.

Chris messed up Matt's already messy hair as they all laughed together.

"Well, you still are out of shape..." said Chris mockingly to Matt, who gave him an evil look.

"Hmm one day I'll be taller than you." said Matt sarcastically.

"Well, even Dom is taller than you so..."

They both looked over at Dom, who gave then a grin.

"Right well I'm hungry, and I'm sure you could do with something to eat after using up all your precious energy." said Chris.

They all walked into the bar, had some snacks and just chatted for about an hour or two, they had all lost track of time by now, until Chris' phone started to ring.

"'s my girlfriend, looks like I'm running a bit late... I was meant to be meeting her half an hour ago...oops..." said Chris a little flustered.

"Way to go Chris." said Matt sarcastically.

"At least I have a girlfriend heh heh..." said Chris, as he got up to leave.

"Thanks for hanging out with me guys, I had a great time as always. Bye bye!"

Chris waved at Dom and Matt as he left.

"Bye Chris!" they both said waving at him.

"Time flies when you're having fun." Dom said

"Yeah, you got any plans for the rest of the day?"

"Hmm...not really, my parents asked me if I wanted to have lunch with them back home, I said i wasn't too sure because I would be hanging out with you and Chris."

Matt thought of what to do, he then thought it would be nice to see Dom's parents, as he hadn't seen them in a while, that also meant that he could spend more time with Dom. Strange, he had never exactly thought of that before...

"Uh, I guess if you don't mind, we could go back to your house, I mean, I haven't seen your parents in a um while, and maybe we could, um, you know, work on some music? I have some ideas for some lyrics."

"Sure, that would be nice, yeah." said Dom.

They headed out, and walked down the long gravel path, they were both relatively quiet for about 20 minutes, until Dom stopped walking. He tapped Matt's shoulder, Matt turned around, an awkward smile on his face.

"Hey Matt, can I tell you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Ehhh, I just don't know how you would react...I've told Chris, he was ok with it and said you would be to, but you know, we've been friends for like 2 years and I, I guess I don't want to ruin it."

"Hey, Dom, unless you have like killed someone and want help in disposing the corpse, I won't freak out."

" you won't help me dispose of the corpse...shame."

They looked at each other and both began laughing for what seemed like forever.

Dom wiped a tear of laughter from the corner of his eye, and looked at Matt, who was still giggling at the idea of himself trying to lift anything that was heavier than a small rock.

"Well...don't worry, I haven't killed anyone yet, and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon."

"Marvellous news, what is it you wanted to tell me then?"

They continued on walking, as Dom thought of how to tell Matt what he wanted to tell him, he stopped, and placed both his hands on Matt's shoulders.

"Matthew James Bellamy, I'm bisexual."

"Alright, cool. I kind of knew already."

"What? How?"

Matt leant next to Dom's ear and whispered: "Gay trousers."
He pointed at Dom's neon green trousers.
Dom placed a hand on his chest and made an "o" with his mouth, pretending to take offence.

"These, my dear friends, are my wonderful neon green trousers."

Matt and Dom both laughed for a while, as they made their way back to Dom's house.

Dom felt relieved, he no longer felt panicked at the thought of Matt finding out or reacting badly, because he knew he wouldn't.

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