You light up my darkest skies (part 14)

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Matt's POV

It was nice just chatting to Chris and Dom, at around 12:15 Benjamin sent me a text.
"Uhh I've gotta use the bathroom guys, help yourselves to more beer if you want."
"Alright." Said Chris

I walked into my bathroom and opened my texts.

Ben: hey Matt. See you in 10 mins :)

Matt: my friends are here and want to meet u so don't do anything stupid when you come ;)

Ben: you don't want me to flirt with u Matthew? You know how I love doing that especially when you get all flustered ;)

Matt: just one of my friends was my boyfriend like three years ago

Ben: is he this Dominic you talked about?

Matt: yeah...I'm still a bit annoyed that he dumped me and didn't text me for a month but it was 3 years ago...i won't involve you in my petty revenge

Ben: haha don't worry i used to do that all the time, I'm still going to flirt with you Matthew ;)

Matt: stop you're making me blush...

Ben: well well well you'll surely be blushing later ;)

Matt: is Benjamin maybe a little interested in me...?

Ben: oh Matthew u will determine that later ;) see u soon <3

I blushed. Then walked into the living room.
I kept an eye on the time, then the doorbell rang.
"That will be Ben." I said
Chris winked at me as I walked past to open the door, and he moved next to Dom presumably so Benjamin and I would have to sit together...
I opened the door, there he was.
His beautiful green eyes contested his light brown hair, he was wearing a plain white shirt and dark blue jeans, he looked so cute.
"Hey Matthew. I missed you."
He wrapped his arms round my waist and pulled me into a hug, he was a bit taller than me, I squished my face into his chest and stayed like that for a couple of seconds. I then pulled away from him, my face slightly pink.
I turned to Dom and Chris, Chris was giving me a smug look.
"That's Chris and thats Dom."
"Hi, I'm Benjamin. Nice to meet you."

Ben and Chris seemed to get along well, Dom kept giving him weird looks, especially when he sat down next to me on the couch.

Dom's POV

Benjamin seemed like a nice guy and all, but I wanted to be with Matt and fix my mistake of leaving him...
Benjamin was now sitting next to Matt on the couch, he wrapped him arms around Matt's waist until Matt was practically sitting on his lap, sure they where cute but I wished that was me.
Chris announced that he would go get us all takeout, and with that he left, as he walked away he winked at me. What was that supposed to mean?
I looked over at Benjamin and Matt, Benjamin gave Matt a kiss on his cheek and whispered something in his ear, which appeared to make Matt blush.
"Matt where is your bathroom?" I asked
"Down the hall." Matt pointed to the hall
As I was about to get up Matt and Benjamin headed down the hall and dissapeared into a room they were giggling like idiots.
I could still hear their giggles through the door, well no harm in accidentally opening the wrong door, right?

Matt's POV

"He looked so annoyed! Did you see his face?" I asked giggling.
"Yeah...he looked like he wanted to kill me!"
"Imagine if he did oh my god."
Ben and i where giggling like a bunch of kids.
"Sshh he's coming this way!" I said
Ben has pushed me against the wall opposite my bedroom door, he was staring into my eyes.
"Just one kiss Matt, I'm sure he'll knock."
Ben leant in to kiss me and I kissed him back. Wow.
I was enjoying myself a bit much and didn't notice the opening door. Dom stood there in disbelief.
"Just your friend huh?" He asked annoyed
Ben looked at me and mouthed a "sorry"
"Last time I checked who I kiss or fuck is none of your damn business Dominic!" I was annoyed that he interrupted my moment with Ben.
"Yeah, sure. You're right." Dom stormed off down the corridor.
"Ugh! What a prick! Has he never heard of knocking before? Ugh!!!" I was annoyed
"Hey Matt it's ok, calm down."
Ben wrapped his arms around me and held me.
I felt tears fall down my face. I hugged him tightly.
"I'm such a mess's been 3 years I should be over him...I should move on..."
"Its ok Matt, we will figure something out, I'll help you even as just a friend, if you want to get Dom back."
"Really?" I asked my voice sounded childish
"Yeah." He smiled at me and I leaned in for another little kiss.
Ben was a nice guy, even as just a friend.

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