I can handle the truth (part 4)

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Matt's POV

Tuesday morning, my mum had just woken me up, i rubbed my eyes and sighed, today was the day I would talk to Dom and tell him what I felt about him, Chris was right, even if he rejected me, I would always have Dom as a friend and even that was good enough, right?
Yes Matt- right, Dom friend...
I put on a black t-shirt and some red jeans, i looked in the mirror, Dom likes the colour red right?Hm- I think so, I hope so. God Matt, don't be so nervous, like Chris said, you just need some confidence, right? 

I messed up my already messy hair, got my stuff and made my way to the bus stop, maybe Dom would be on the bus today? 
As I got onto the crowded bus, I saw a blonde boy sitting on his own, it was Dom, he had some headphones on and was staring out of the window, his short blonde hair was kind of shining with the sunlight reflected on it, he was wearing a white t-shirt a dark blue hoodie and of course neon green trousers.
"Hey Dom." I said as I sat next to him, he took one of his headphones out, he looked at me, his grey eyes looked sad and tired.
"Oh...hey Matt..." he sounded unenthusiastic to see me, and it felt like someone had thrown a brick at my stomach.
I sighed, the bus had stopped where Chris usually got on, there he was.
I waved at Chris, he walked over to where I was now awkwardly standing.
"What's the matter?" he whispered.
I took his hand and made my way down the aisle of the bus until we reached the back, that was unusually empty. I sat down next to Chris.
"Jesus Matt, you look upset, is everything ok?" he said in a low voice
In this moment, I felt pathetic and useless, I just wanted to cry and I don't know why, just the idea that Dom is no longer interested in me as a friend or anything else hurts, last time I felt this way was when my parents where disappointed in me for some stupid stuff I tried to do, obviously they still love me, but they have to  they're my parents...no, they genuinely love you Matt, and so does Dom he's probably just worried.
Before i even knew it I felt tears sliding down my cheeks, I tried to not look at Chris or anyone, the last thing I wanted was to cause some kind of scene on the bus with all these people from school, they'd probably think I was annoying or something.

Chris was already looking at me, so he had noticed when I had started to cry, I felt so weak now.
Chris didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, usually Chris hugging me is awkward because he's super tall or because one of us makes some stupid joke like "no homo haha" but this time, it felt nice.
For the rest of the ride, about 10 minutes or so, I just sat there with my faced buried in Chris' shirt crying about everything, none else had noticed because we where sat right at the back of the bus, and Chris was silent he just said that is ok to be upset.
The bus reached it's final stop, we waited for everyone to get off, and once they all left, Chris and I made out way to get out, my vision was still slightly blurred from the tears, that I didn't notice Dom and i bumped into him. He looked at my face and into my eyes, he must have seen that they where all read and watery, his face went from bored looking, to shocked.
"Matt, are you ok?"
Why do people always ask if you're ok when you've been crying? Dammit.
Before Chris or Dom had the chance to say anything, I ran faster that i ever had before all the way until I reached the bathrooms near my locker.
I looked in the mirror, my eyes looked very red and watery, I washed my face with some water, and tried to just breathe for a minute, a couple of other guys came in, but they where to busy chatting, one of them was one of my classmates.
"Hey Matt, you good bro? Your friend Christopher is looking for, says you just zoomed off."
"Oh yeah yeah, I'm fine just a little nervous"
"Ah that sucks, if you need anything me and my bros can help you." 
His friends looked at me with sympathetic smiles, I smiled at them and thanked them before making my way back to my locker to get my books.

Dom and Chris where already sitting at the back table where we usually sit, so I made my way to them.
Dom was silent, Chris looked at me and smiled, his shirt was wet and since it was white, it was quite obvious.
"Sorry about your shirt Chris..."
"It's fine, you're like a damn emotional fountain when you're upset Bellamy." he said playfully.
I laughed a little and sat down.

The rest of the week continued like normal, I didn't say anything regarding my feelings to Dom, we just chatted and hung out, like usual, neither Dom nor Chris mentioned Tuesday morning, that I was grateful for.

Saturday morning, Dom sent me a text asking if I would like to meet him half and hour before we started band practice so we could "talk." Crap, he had sent that message 20 minutes ago, and he would be here any minute, I jumped out of my bed and ran to the shower, I washed my hair and tried to make it look presentable by using my mum's hairdryer, I looked stupid, my hair was flat, and you could clearly see a hint of dark blue in it from the time I tried to dye it last week and kind of failed, the past week it has just been messy and greasy so you couldn't see the blue.
Great...I thought.
I put on some blue jeans and a black shirt, and made my way downstairs.
Dom was already there, I could hear my parents greeting him.
"Is Matthew here?" him addressing me by my full name was so...cute.
"He's probably still asleep. MATTHEW!!!" my mum's voice echoed through the house.
"I'm here, I'm here!" I said as i made my way into the main hall.
My parents looked at me, confused.
"I see you finally washed your hair, isn't that nice, looking fancy Matt, going on a date with some lady friend?" asked my dad.
"No dad, I just had a shower and tried to dry my hair, that's all."
"No dad!"
My dad looked at Dom, then me and winked at me.
"Weirdos, come on Dom let's start practicing."
"Nice seeing you again Dominic!" said my parents as we walked down into the basement.

"So Dom, what did you want to tell me?"
We sat there in silence for a few minutes, the basement was so cold, I started to shiver.
"You're cold Matt, here, have my jacket." Dom took off his red hoodie and handed it to me.
"No, it's fine, I'm not cold, if I was I would like go get a jacket, it is my house."
"Yeah, then you'd have to leave me...take my jacket Matt."
Hold up. Was Dom trying to flirt with me? Cute.
"Ok fine, only because you insist." I took his jacket and put it on, it was a rather large jacket and it smelled like Dom, i sniffed it.
"Oh crap, does it smell bad? I only wore it today, promise."
"No no, it smells like you not bad at all." I realised I said that out loud, my face turned red.
"I-I mean, thanks, I'll give it back if you're cold"
Dom could tell I was nervous, he was smirking, he was enjoying this!
He stepped closer to me I backed away until my back reached the wall.
He smirked, my face felt like it was on fire.
"Look at you Matt, you're blushing, isn't that cute."
"No I'm not, shut up! It's just hot, that's all."
"Well, if it's so hot, how come you're still wearing my jacket?"
I tried to think of an answer, but I couldn't think of one. Dom stepped closer to me, he placed one his hands on my face.
"Wow, someone really is flustered." Dom was smirking, he was clearly enjoying making fun of me.
I pushed him away. "I'm going to get my guitar."
"Aww, is Matty too flustered?"
"Asshole." I said as I made my way up to my room.

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