Chapter 12: Gotta Love Siblings

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~Y/N's POV~

I wake up to the startling realization that I never turned off my school alarm. Still half asleep, I whack the snooze button and roll onto my stomach to put my face in my pillow. People always ask me how I can breathe like that, but I don't actually know. It's will power, I guess.

After about an hour of attempting to fall back asleep, I decide to get out of bed. I throw on an oversized sweat shirt over the tank top I slept in, because it's cold in our apartment. I know it's only October, but I'm used to Florida weather, so, this is freezing in comparison.

I want to use today to finally get more clothes; Ethan was refusing to come, so he's just gonna have to suck it up and wear what I buy him. Dad's new job has apparently been going amazingly well, because he raised my allowance and gave me $200 bucks for new clothes for us. I make my way to the kitchen for breakfast and am surprised to see my dad already up.

"Good morning bug, how'd you sleep?" Dad looks up from his magazine and greets me. I think he's trying harder to be "that parental figure" now.

"Surprisingly well, what about you?"

"Very well, very well. Listen, I hate to do this, but I just got a call from my boss asking if I'd come in to work on a new project. Would you be alright without me for today?"

"Of course, I just didn't know you had to work weekends," I start making myself some green tea, it's always been my favorite.

"But that's the thing, this isn't for work. This is for the other side of his business."

"Really? Dad, that's amazing!" I smile, I'm genuinely happy that this is working out so well.

"It sure is, but I don't have to go if you don't want me to."

"No, I absolutely want you to go. This is an incredible opportunity for you, and you'll enjoy it much more than clothes shopping with your teenaged daughter."

"Okay, you got me," I finish preparing my toast and coffee while he finishes eating in silence. It's just slightly uncomfortable.

"Guys, it's Saturday, why are you up so early?"

"The early bird gets the best deals at the mall."

"That's not a thing, Y/N."

"Oh, sure it is. Have you changed your mind about going?"

"No way! Brad invited me over to his place, so I was gonna go hang over there."

"Um, were you planning on telling us?"

"I guess at some point, what's the big deal?"

"Ethan-" I want to give him a lecture about this, but Dad gives me a look, reminding me that I don't have to play parent anymore.

"Son, you have to let us know what you're doing, okay? You can go to Brad's this afternoon, but Y/N has to take you there."

"But Dad! That's so not cool!"

"If your sister's not cool enough for your friends, then your friends aren't good enough. Got it?"

"Yes sir," Ethan sulks his way to the pantry and pours himself way more cereal than any one person should be able to eat.

"Ethan, do you have his address?"

"Yeah, but why do need it? You wouldn't be able to find it even if I told you," wow, that one stung.

"Listen kids, I gotta go. Ethan, listen to your sister," Dad grabs his coat and heads out the door after kissing both of our heads to say goodbye.

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