Chapter 20: On Thin Ice

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16 Months Later... 


Sixteen months.

It's been sixteen months since I moved to New York.

Sixteen months since I transferred to Midtown.

Sixteen months since I met Peter.

How the Hershey's did that happen?

It's February now. February of 2018. You probably knew that, though.

One more thing, Ned won the bet.

MJ and my mom weren't happy about that, but I thought that it was for the best.

"Thought" being the operative word.

Now, it's just annoying.

I mean really, to anyone who doesn't know better, we look like a couple, Peter and I. We go out for ice cream every Friday after school, and order in pizza every Wednesday without fail for movie night. Sometimes the rest of the gang will join for movie night, but other times it's just us. Just the two of us, in Peter's living room, on his small, worn out sofa that I would gladly spend entire days on, as long as he's next to me. And when I fall asleep on him mid-movie, he waits until the movie's over, and everyone's home before waking me up gently and walking me across the hall.

And there's hardly a free moment we don't spend together; he's even cut back on the time he spends at the internship. He says he needs the time for school, but I know all his subjects are a breeze for him. Which is crazy, 'cuz he's in all advanced classes and is acing them half asleep with both hands tied behind his back. I mean, he's seriously brilliant.


Our families go out for dinner together every Sunday night, Peter and I study together every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, since he works long hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on Mondays, too if he needs to. But we pretty much always do something as a group on the weekends.

I can't believe that a year and a half's worth of memories we're made so quickly. It's crazy how time flies.

Oh, and I joined the Academic Decathlon team and the science club. It's surprisingly fun. And no, that's not just because I get to spend more time with Peter. I also get to see more of Ned and MJ, who does a fantastic job as leader for Decathlon team.

I just wish Harry had the time to join, too. He's had no time lately; we're lucky if he makes a bimonthly appearance for our weekend group outing. But that doesn't mean we've drifted apart. In fact, we've probably grown closer together since he's barely had time for meeting up with the rest of the gang. The reason for this being that I make him call me at least every other day, sit with us at lunch, and we have a free period together this year every Thursday.

I have to admit that I really miss being in all of Peter's classes. We have everything on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays together, but we have slightly different schedules on Tuesdays and, Thursdays. He still walks me to class when he can, though, I think it's just a habit for him.

Ugh, this is crazy.

I'm really struggling. I really like Peter, like, a LOT. I'm still trying to figure all that mess out. Every time I feel like I'm over him, I realize I've just fallen deeper. And it's not like I'm anywhere near brave enough to ask him out myself, so I'm just stuck trying to convince myself that I'm happy being "just friends".

Also, things have been more tense with my family. Specifically, we didn't go see Mom for Christmas like we did last year, or even New Year. I mean, it didn't really bother me since the gang all got together at Peter's house and we just crashed in his living room after an impressive number of Star Wars movies.

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