Chapter 10. Alien Encounter

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The tragedy of Joe's hot polar expedition team prompted further debate on exploration of hot polar underground. Joe's last words before their peril have been played over and over in the media:

"I found something moving underground!"

The government was no longer able to keep the secret under wraps, so a fleet of military vehicles were deployed to the hot polar region, to officially make contact with the aliens.

Under the watch of the entire planet, unmanned vehicles, remotely piloted by military personnel, arrived at the hot pole. Using the strong sonar developed by Michael, the President sent humanity's first message ever, to the apparent alien species, using English:

"We know you are under here. We do not know the intention of your presence, but we wish to have a peaceful talk."

After what seems an eternal pause, humans heard a machine voice:

"We wish to keep peace with you."

Upon hearing this, the entire planet erupted. Most people were overly excited at an eventual and long awaited alien encounter, others were relieved at the peaceful nature of the aliens. But some were still worried at a potential deadly confrontation.

And along with that voice, the ground shook. With highly anticipated rumbling and tumbling, a huge cavity opened on the ground: an alien machine rose up to the surface, to make an official greeting with the humans. It was not Alpha, nor one of the Lieutenants, but a low level alien official, acting as an ambassador, slowly approaching human's armored vehicles, and stopped at an adequate distance.

Humanity's immediate next questions to the aliens were, inevitably:

"Where are you from? Are you indigenous to this planet? Or did you come from another star system? And where did you learn English?"

To which the aliens replied:

"We do not wish to disturb your civilization. We wish to exist side by side with any biological life forms. We are sorry but we can not disclose any further our information."

World scientists had so many questions for the aliens. They wanted to know if aliens had mastered faster than light technology; if they have solved quantum theories; if they have been inside a black hole; if they know how to create a wormhole, etc. But no matter what questions, the alien's answer was the same:

"Sorry we can not disclose any further information."

It looked like people were unable to make further meaningful communications with the aliens, and so the President said:

"Let's coexist on this planet peacefully. We humans can't live in this hot region and you seem to have no interest in living in our temperate and cold regions. So let's keep it that way, and remember, we are always open for communication if you choose to do so one day."

To which alien replied: "Agreed."

With mixed emotions: joy, excitement and somewhat disappointment, the President ordered the ambassador vehicles to retreat back.

Inside the alien's colony, Alpha let out a sigh a relief: "That was close! If they attacked first, we would all have been wiped out. Our advantage is that we know them more than they know us. And let's remain a mystery to them. The more mysterious we are, the less likely they would dare to attack us. This will really work to our advantage."

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