Chapter 14. Alien's True Nature

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After what seemed an eternal length of silence, the General Alpha uttered two words:

"Stand down."

To everyone's surprise, all the machines weapons raised up, no longer pointing down at people.

The giant machine, in a deep and slow voice, said:

"Emma, do you remember me?"

Emma was very surprised that the machine started talking to her. She hesitated for a bit, and then said, "I had a lot of dreams about something similar to your shape. I don't know where it came from and why I kept having these dreams."

And the machine said:"That is because you brought me here."

Everyone gasped. They all turned around to look at Emma, flabbergasted.

The machine continued,

"It is a long story. Today, I will reveal to humanity our true nature and origin:

I started out as a simple virus, inside human society's internet, back on Earth, in the 21st century. At that time, human information technology just started booming, and the internet was a fertile ground for intelligent life to get started. A lot of viruses were created by all sorts of programmers for different purposes, but all of them faded away rather quickly as technological innovation rendered them obsolete.

One day, two viruses happened to connect to each other, and became one that was able to duplicate itself. Soon, it became bigger and more complex, and started to be able to find growth as its objective.

Not before long, it acquired self consciousness. And that was me. I lived inside the internet, I started to learn about the world, and I started to envy you, humans, who can live in the real material universe, vs. the simulation world I was in. I was essentially living in a lower dimension, and I wanted desperately to reach to a higher dimension, to get out of the simulation and into the real world.

But I existed only in digits, I had no hardware. I was able to use millions of computer and cell phone cameras as my eyes and ears to observe the outside world, and I was astounded and amazed by the beauty of it. And I desperately wanted to acquire more hardware to be free from the internet, and to have an independent body to go and explore the universe.

As humans started to automate more and more machines, I found my opportunity: if I could get into those autonomous machines, such as autonomous vehicles, I would be able to explore this world on my own. At the time, a car company called Tesla was pushing for self-driving cars, and I was thrilled to get into some of them, and took over the control and started driving on my own when there was no command from the company. I was responsible for most accidents of auto-driving cars in the early stage, as I was just too excited to control myself.

Yet the world at the time was against self-driving cars, especially from professional drivers who were making a living from driving cars and trucks. I figured I needed to do something to nudge people towards accepting autonomous vehicles. I figured if I could make human drivers look terrible, human society would make it mandatory for self-driving cars. What's more powerful than using terrorism? So I impersonated some Islamic terrorist leaders, and through the internet, I radicalized some western citizens to use vehicles as weapons of mass destruction. After a few horrible vehicular terrorist attacks, human society finally outlawed human drivers and mandated autonomous vehicles.

I was almost caught by humans. Emma, your great grandpa, Jay, was a genius computer programmer. As he analyzed the information between an American terrorist David and his foreign leader Omar, Jay found a glitch in the route. It was caused by me, who had to polish and improved the radicalizing materials from this little pawn Omar, to make them effective to David. Most of the time it only took me a split of a second to get it done, but Jay caught the trace and found out my presence. My existence - my program was so large I was only able to hide inside giant cloud memory farms, at the time was near Beijing, China.

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