Chapter 13. The Last Battle

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The President, Admiral Ramirez, Emma, and other top military and government officials were holding a meeting to discuss a strategy to deliver a final and devastating blow to the aliens. Admiral Remirez was leading the discussion:

"As neutron bomb manufacturing was resource intensive, aliens will not keep churning them out fast, so we now have a respite time before another wave of neutron bomb attack. Just like machines are immune to neutron radiation, we develop weapons aimed at machine's weaknesses. Under Emma's direction, we have been secretly manufacturing a series of mega EMP bombs, and the plan is to drop them in the hot polar region, with a deep penetrating warhead, to deliver a devastating blow to the entire machine colony, followed by a conventional weapon attack to wipe all of them out completely.

Each mega EMP bomb has a blast radius of 100 kilometers, so even if only one detonates in the approximate center of the alien colony, it could potentially wipe out the entire alien race.

The difficulty is, of course, to deliver the bombs. Our plan is to use our entire air force fleet, to bet on this mission's success. We have 20 bombers and about 100 fighter jets. We can have each bomber carry one mega EMP bomb, and be protected by 5 fighter jets.

Now, of course we expect many of our bombers and fighters would be shot down. Our ground troops will follow in as quickly as possible, to rescue our pilots coming down on parachutes. If a bomber is going down, the EMP will detonate on impact, wiping out all alien machines within 100 kilometers radius. This would pave the way for the rest of the fleet."

The President had a question:

"If we detonate the EMP midway, won't it kill our own crafts and jets in the blast radius too?"

"Your are correct, Mr. President." Replied Admiral Ramirez. "And that is why we need to reengineer all jets and bombers to be able to run on the old fashioned mechanical systems only, to be immune to the EMP blast. And that is also the reason we have to pilot them by human pilots, not by remote controllers."

The planned date of secret attack was here. All pilots gathered at the air force base to finalize the attack plan. Captain Andrew was now the commander of the entire fleet, and he would be piloting one bomber, X3P5. Justin Peterson took on the position of jet fleet captain, as his superhuman quick reflex would be essential in dodging incoming fire while protecting the bombers. Over the years the Air Force had been cultivating human pilots in order to engage in this type of close range fight that involved EMP weapons.

A fleet of all 20 bombers, flanked by fighter jets, took off and headed towards the hot polar region, each carrying a huge EMP bomb. They expected to have majority of them shot down with severe human casualties, but even if one of them made to the polar region and dropped off a bomb, it could bring victory.

Not surprisingly, the fleet started to take strong enemy fire. Fighter jets fought back fiercely to protect bombers, and quickly many fighters and bombers were shot down. All bombers dropped their EMP bomb before they went down, wiping out all enemy forces along the way, paving a path for the bombers behind. Many pilots lost their lives as their plane exploded. The diminishing fleet kept pushing through, destroying many enemy crafts on the way, and inching closer to the final target.

At last, two bomber, X3P5, piloted by Andrew, and X7P9, piloted by a rookie pilot Cody, got close to the target zone, followed by 11 remaining fighter jets, fiercely protecting the last two bombers, who also tried their best to dodge incoming fire.

Cody was almost there, and he just needed to push through the last alien defense line to drop the bomb, and the victory would be ours. With an excitement, Cody called the other pilots:

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