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I feel to hands on my shoulders. "Jason!" I turn to Elizabeth. "Hey!" I smile. "So you and my brother." She gives me that creepy smile thing girls do. My eyes go wide. "What about us?" I ask nervously. "If you hurt him I'm breaking you in half." She says seriously. "Oh god!" I whisper. "I'm kidding!" I sigh in relief. "But seriously don't hurt him." She smiles. "Of course not. I wouldn't purposely hurt him." I smile. She raps her arm around my arm and we walk to lunch. "Wait how do you know?" I ask quietly. "I was getting water when he came sneaking through the front door around eleven." She laughs. "Oh sorry." I smile. "He really likes you." She whispers. "I love him." I confess. Her eyes widen. "He knows! And don't worry he said it back. You don't need to know the details." I smile. "Also don't tell Thomas. He still think your brother is straight." I smile awkwardly. "Why?" She ask sitting in front of me. "Because he likes him." I whisper. "Oh! Yeah that's gonna be funny if you guys break up! You and Thomas are going to be fighting over boys." I laugh. "I'm not planning on breaking up with him anytime soon." Devon walks over and sits next to us. "Hey babe." He takes my hand. "Hey Elizabeth!" He makes fun of her. Like in a sibling way. "Ok you both know it's Liz." She smiles. "Oh yeah. Not to mom." Liz throws a grape at him. "I'll leave you to alone!" She smiles getting up and finding Thomas I'm assuming. "Meet me at Pops after the game tonight?" He ask quietly. "I can't." I whisper. He looks down. "Mom wants me home after the game. But I can meet you after school tomorrow at Pops." I sit closer. "Or we can celebrate in my room?" I suggest. "What if we lose?" He ask rubbing my thigh. "Than we can celebrate my mom willing to have you over for dinner this Sunday maybe 6 o'clock?" He smiles. "Yeah of course." He kisses me slowly. This is the first time we've really kissed in public. "Boys!" Weatherbee yells. We part looking at him. "No PDA!" He walks away. "See if I never saw him yell at straight couples I would be pisses." He jokes. "Is it ok if Toni joins us though?" I ask quietly. He nods. "Yeah!" I smile. "But we're still on for Pops tomorrow!"

"You did amazing!" I smile rapping my arms after Devon. "Yeah because you were here." He smiles. "How about we go back to my place." I smile playing with his baseball jersey. I kiss him slowly. "Yeah." He smiles. He throws his stuff in the back of his truck and we get in. He drives off and we go to my house. I take his hand and we go inside. "Mom! I'm home!" I yell. "Ok buddy. Have fun?" She ask quietly. "Yeah! I'm gonna go upstairs now." I kiss Devon and we go upstairs. I close the door behind us. I unbutton his shirt. He picks me up and he lies me on the bed. "You ok?" He ask quietly. "Seriously?" I look at him and shake my head. Devon gets off me and lies next to me. "Can you take your shoes off?" I ask quietly. He smiles and takes them off. "Sorry." I whisper. "It's ok." He whispers. I smile and take his hand. "Do you just want to take it easy tonight?" I nod. There's a knock on the door. "Hey! I know you have someone up here and we'll talk about that later. But Thomas and Liz are at Pops if you want to meet them there." Mom says through the door. "Want to go?" I ask quietly. He shrugs. "Sure." We get dressed. I end up in his jersey he ends up in one of my shirts. It's cute. "Your shirts are so soft." He whispers. "I have issues with certain shirts." I smile awkwardly. "Let's go."


"Ok your brother and my soon to be step brother are definitely dating." I look at Elizabeth. She turns to me. "I thought he was straight." I whisper. She just laughs at me. "Oh Jason just told you that so you wouldn't steal my brother from him." She smiles. "God damnit." I whisper. "Pops?" She ask quietly. I nod. We walk to Pops and I text my mom that I'll be home late. Once we get there he sit down and eat. After about 20 minutes Jason and Devon walk in. They walk over to us and sit down. "You lied." I whisper as Jason sits next to me. "Yeah so did you." He whispers. "When did I lie?" I ask getting mad. "When you said you wouldn't push me around anymore." I look down. "You sent me into a mental break down." I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "It's fine." He looks at Devon and smiles. "Eww you guys are so cute." Liz laughs.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Liz ask nervously. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" I ask confused. "Because the football team." She cups my cheeks and steps closer. "I'm thinking about quitting anyways." I whisper. "Why?" She ask concerned. "Because it's not my dream. I want to do music not Football. I just did football so everyone would think I was a normal teenage boy." I whisper. She somehow gets closer to me. I don't know what got into me but I lean in and kiss her. She kisses back. It's feels magical. I pull away slowly. "Thomas. Inside now." I look and see mom standing there. "Now!" I say goodbye to Liz and go inside. "How much of that did you see?" I ask quietly. "Not much. I'm just really confused." Mom whispers. We sit down at the kitchen counter. "I know." I look down. "Bud. You know I will support you no matter what." I nod. "I think I'm bi. I haven't really figured it all out yet. And I know I said I was gay but I was frustrated and that was the first thing to come out of my mouth." I confess. "Ok." I look at her. "I'll support you! Just don't kill anyone and definitely don't send Jason into a panic." I take a deep breath. "I didn't mean to do that." I whisper. "I know. Just know that you're not just causing Jason stress." I nod. "I apologize tonight he didn't really take it he just pretended to." I play with my hands. "I meant to talk to you this morning but you were up before me."

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