Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: The characters of The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Lucifer don't belong to me but I do steal them for my own benefit so with that said, I hope that you enjoy this chapter 😜

~Fall on me~

"Where have the two of you been hiding?" Rose asks Lucifer and Maze after they've showed them into the living room, which was still partially bare, mind you. "I lost track of you two sometime 5-6 years ago" she adds.

"We've been living in Los Angeles" Lucifer explains, "City of Angels and all" he adds with a wink at the irony of it all.

"And you're the original fallen angel so that would make perfect sense" Rebekah comments with an eye roll at the clichéness of it all.

"Hey, that name isn't taken right?" He asks her curiously


"Well, I mean with all of you being Original vampires and all, I can be the Original Fallen Angel. Trademarked and everything" he says to them.

"Would have never pegged you as a religious type, Blondie. Good for you" Maze says to Rebekah.

"I've been alive for a thousand years, demon" Rebekah says with a scowl, unimpressed with the nickname.

Why do people always deem it fit to nickname her based on the colour of her hair?

"How did you lot find us anyway?" Kol asks Maze and Lucifer after they've explained their reasoning for being there, "this place isn't exactly listed on the New Orleans Gazette and we've just moved back here" he adds.

"Was it supposed to be hard?" Lucifer asks him dryly, "if anything you all should be a lot more careful, especially with the problems you all have with the current King of New Orleans" he says as Klaus scoffs at Marcel's title.

The mere mention of his son is enough to sour his mood

"Bad blood?" Maze asks him amusedly.

"The worst" Rebekah replies absentmindedly. "But more importantly how do you know about all of this when you've barely been here a day?" She asks them suspiciously

"I'm a demon, darling. Snooping is what I do" Maze tells her simply, with a mischievous smirk. "And the King's...fine then Marcel's" she says pointedly when Klaus scoffs once more at the title as Maze rolls her eyes to the heavens in annoyance, " aren't the sharpest tools in the shed" she finishes off simply.

No one disagrees with that statement.

For Rose it's mainly because she has yet to meet this Marcel or even any of his guys.

~Fall on me~

" you have the good liquor?" Maze asks the Mikaelsons as she hops out of her seat, ready to search for where they keep their alcohol because she knows damn well that they have tons of the stuff. Vampires and controlling their bloodlust and all. "And I mean the good stuff not the tasteless crap humanity passes off for liquor nowadays" she adds seriously as Kol and Klaus grin at her words, agreeing with her.

They might just like this Maze.

"I think you and I are going to get along well, demon" Kol says to her.

"And long as you don't try to drain me dry I don't see why not, vampire" Maze retorts with a half smile as Kol flashes off to go and get the good, strong stuff as she sits back in her original spot. 

"How did the coup even start?" Rose questions Lucifer as they wait for Kol to return with the alcohol for Maze. 

"Well, as you know I haven't been in hell for...a while and I guess the demons saw this as an opportunity to 'fight me" he says as Maze snorts at that. "How did the Council take my resignation by the way?" he asks her in intrigue.

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