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When she is at war with her body

It is a mess you can not ignore

It is spilled milk left on the carpet

The sour smell now taking over every bit of air that their lungs are asking for

Hers begging for

When she is at war with her body

The tears will race with the blood

That she has let escape

The blood will dry and now the scene is all too familiar

Now her hate is a tape

The loop is a habit she has not yet broken

Almost as bad as her habit for letting her self not have better than hate and hopeless lovers

Lovers waiting to drown what little she has salvaged for her self

She is here to give love

She reminds her self

Love them

She tells her self

Make them feel what others failed to hand them all wrapped up ready to be eaten


They ask for bear hugs

Long kisses

Endless love and no understatements  

She will give them all of that and more

Her teeth too if they please

A bag of her blood to drink if they need

Hydration is key

A limb if it comes down to it

If it comes down to it

They can just sink their teeth into her heart

They can keep going till she is all theirs 

She is theirs

So they must be hers

They forget that Often

Sometimes she wishes she owned her self

Just for two seconds or more

She'll take a walk around the block

Pretend she's lost

then pretend she's found all over again when their eyes analyze her skin

Her lover

Her lover

Her lover Is never the one who gives her the love she runs off of

When she is at war with her body

Her lover is absent

When she is at war with her body

She is always the one cleaning up the blood as she lays next to her lover

telling her sweet lies

bitter truths unspoken

The lover will suck on this sweetness

The lover will suck and never look deeper

When she is at war with her body

The lover is blind and full of her sweets

Now she is only left with love unfound


and an empty stomach


Starving for a person to ask if she needs a hand to hold in the war she fights daily


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