I let it in
I gave it the directions
I showed it the door
I handed it the key
I did it
It was ok
I was ok with it
I promised
I pinky swore
I did it
I did it
Then I turned around and blamed it on you
I let it take over
I let it speak
In the beginning, we just held hands
Till my strength was just a memory
I gave it all to it in a clear plastic baggy
I did it
It pushed me to the side
Locking me in a tiny room in my tiny little heart
Till I was a piece of meat
The piece it sank its teeth into at night
The meat on the bottom of the shelf in the fridge you always forget about
Because you eat too much take out
I did it
Till I opened my eyes
Soaking in the light
My eyes widen
To find the room was not even a room at all
For the first time
I did it
I took over
I broke the door
I threw away the key in the river
The river flowing through me
Faster than ever before
I did it
I am a bud on a rose bush now
A am a new thought
A new understanding
Of what hope and freedom really means
I did it
The win
I win
That's me
I won't be humble
I won't look back
I will walk with the passion and the pain
Of all the people
Living in a box
Being held down by nothing more than themselves
I did it
Your turn