You would think I was a freak
If I told you how often I fall off the edge
Of my thoughts
Into a sea
Of living breathing nothing
I see the freak in you too
I see we have the same shattered glass
In our eyes
The same garden of dead flowers
Begging to bloom
As the sun comes to say hi
As it tries to beam on our brown leafs
Trying to dress us in green
I see we have matching scar tissue
On our too fast heartbeats
I also see patches of glass
Not yet broken
The reflection reveals something beautiful
Us in a patch of roses
Maybe rings
Maybe a child
Am I allowed to dream this big?
Should I dim down so no one will laugh with widened eyes?
Should I stay realistic?
Not too excited?
Fuck this
Fuck them
Hold my hand
I will dream big with every part of me
I will dream so we can be as big as we wanna be
I will dream so we can be us when we feel powerless
Dream with me
Be a freak with me
Lets jump
Make babies
Grow new leaves in our abundant garden
Begging for new seeds