I can't see
I want you to
I need you to look this way
Your attention on me?
Is my spell strong enough to make your hands take the lead?
Can I try again
Does my name escape your mouth
Let me help you out
I begged you
In every way
To take me away
Fly me to the
Greener place
You picked me up
In a hot air balloon
We got too high
The clouds covered the ground and my eyes
Your hands found my hips
Your words sticky on my lips
More of him
Time after time
But never enough for my hungry heart
And my itchy skin that needed that electric shock
Till i took MY two hands
Grew my nails out
To sharp points
Clawed at my eyelids
Till I saw what I had done
What I had become
The light came into view
The color was brighter than ever before
But is the darkness still there?