Manny: The Wanted Criminal

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One day, the dhmis house went to Asda for some teabags. Manny got there, and immediately ran off.
"Not again! I hope he doesn't try the trolley trick again." Said Harry.
Manny walked down the crisp isle, and saw a can of Pringles. He picked them up, and carried on walking, while eating them. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Colin walking like the guy in the late for meeting video (below if you don't know what that is).

"Oh sh*t" thought Manny, who is a bad boy because he swore. Don't swear kids. Colin stopped his satanic ritual, and saw him, and chased him in the most terrifying way possible. Manny screamed, got into a random lady's trolley (the trolley is back, guys) and rode off with his pringles out of the exit. The alarm went off because he didn't pay, and Manny realised he was now a wanted criminal for stealing the Pringles. He pulled a pair of sunglasses from nowhere and began to sing Bad Guy. Some people started to get concerned because there was a ten year old riding a trolley down the street eating Pringles and singing bad guy. Suddenly, a police car stopped by him.
"Are you Manny?"
"Yes. You'll never take me alive." He attempted to wheel off, however the officer grabbed the trolley to stop it.
"You're not in trouble."
"But I stole the Pringles. Want one?" He held up the Pringles can to the officer. He looked at the can, at Manny, and then he burst out laughing. He hysterically laughed for a good 5 minutes, before saying, "come on kiddo, you need to get home." He took Manny back to the dhmis household, and even put the sirens on per Manny's wishes, and they chatted about mine craft for a bit. He pulled up outside the house, and Paige came out of the house, hugged him, and then started yelling "we were so worried about you! Why did you run off?"
"Because Colin started chasing me like a demon."
"That's just how he runs, honey. Thank you, officer."
"That's fine. He's a good fellow."
"Bye-bye, mr officer!" Manny called as he drove off. As they walked into the house, he told Paige he wanted to be a cop when he grew up.

This is... wow.
I promise I'm okay.

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