Chapter 8: Mischevious

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*a year later*

"This is what it sounds like,
When doves cry, when doves cry, when doves cry, don't cry."
I was singing along to the radio in the car. It was 5:30 and I was on my way back home from the office,

And that was Prince with 'When Doves Cry'

I took a sip of my water,

'And stay tuned, Motley Crue will be here tonight in Dallas'

I spit out my water and it got all over my front window, "Ah damnit." I reached back to grab whatever article of clothing I had to wipe it up with, "Fuck!" I yelled as almost swerving into the lane beside me, "Sorry!" I yelled as the car honked their horn.

'If you're lucky caller number six, you'll receive free tickets to the show tonight! So hurry up and call now.'

I changed the radio station but then 'Looks That Kill' was playing,
"Oh for the love of god!!" I yelled then smacked the button so the radio turned off.

I sighed while lighting a cigarette and rolling down my window.
I haven't heard anything from him, he's the only one that doesn't call me. Vince calls me, hell even Mick calls me. Tommy is always calling and sending me postcards from when they traveled but Nikki...Nikki doesn't even bother even though I always hear him in the background when they call.

I try not to let it bother me but at the end of the day it still fucking hurts, and our last conversation is all I think about when I'm trying to sleep. It hurts because he was becoming my best friend, and now I don't have that.

I got off the freeway and then started heading down our street. I punched in the code to our gate and parked in the drive way.

"Vanity!!!" My brother came out running towards me as I got out of the car,
"You're not gonna fucking believe this!! C'mon!!" He yelled, and I wasn't even situated before he grabbed my wrist and started pulling me along.

"Greyson why are you acting like a mad man?!" I asked mildly concerned.

"Look! Look!" He said while holding up two tickets in my hand, I tried concentrating on what the fine print was,

Mötley fucking Crüe. 9pm. Texas stadium. Row 25b. Seats 24 and 25.

"Oh no..." I said and my brothers smile disappeared,
"We're going! Me and you! Tonight!" He wouldn't stop yelling, he was ecstatic,
"I'm not going." I told him,
"What! Van! Why?!" He sounded defeated.

"What's going on?" Mom said while walking into the living room,
"Ma! Look at what I won!" Greyson showed mom.

"You are not going to that concert, young man." Mom snapped,
"Mom! Common! I'm twenty! I want to go!" Greyson argued with her.

"I agree with mom." I told them both,
"Van..." my brother pleaded me with his eyes, "'s an atmosphere you aren't ready to be apart of or see." I tried explaining to him,
"But you did it." He snapped at me and I sighed

"Mommy, please I want to go! They're my favorite band." Greyson begged some more,
"No Greyson, that's final. Now give them to me." Mom said while putting out her hand, and in defeat he reluctantly gave it to her then shoulder checked me while he walked past,
"Grey.." I said but he was already walking up the stairs,
"He'll get over it." Mom said while walking into her study and i followed her.

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