Chapter 42: Time for Change

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*this chapter is pretty much the whole time spent in rehab*

I woke up the next morning in Nikki's bed, fully clothed and with a headache. I have done too much crying the last twenty four hours.

Nikki's spot was empty, as every bad thought started running through my mind. Naturally, I looked in the closet first, but he wasn't there.

"Nikki?" I called out for him as I walked out of the bedroom and too the stairs. I peered over the banister, but I didn't see him.

I walked to the doors that lead to his backyard, "Where the hell is he?" I mumbled to myself. I walked into the kitchen, stopping in my tracks when I saw a dozen red roses.

I exhaled when I walked over, seeing there was a piece of ripped out notebook paper with my name on it:

Hey doll,

I left early this morning, you were sleeping hard so I didn't want to wake you. I'm heading to rehab with the boys, we're going to Betty Ford. Alice Cooper fucking went here! How sick is that!

I rolled my eyes, but wiped the tears away. Why couldn't he just wake me up to say bye? I continued reading the note.

I left my house key hanging up by the car keys. I'd be less stressed if you stayed, or consider staying while I was away. To make sure the house is taken care of. You don't have too, you can just pop in every couple of days if you wanted too...

I don't know how long I'll be gone. It's not gonna be a thirty days thing that's for sure. I'm gonna get better for myself, the band and for you. I'll see you when I get out of Hell. I'll call in a few days after I get situated.

I love and miss you already, Van.

-Nikki Sixx

I sighed, tossing the letter back onto the counter. What am I suppose to do in this big 'ol mansion without him? And why couldn't he just wake me up so I could say goodbye to him?

*a week later*

I plopped down on the couch after almost two hours of trying to clean his place up. Eight bags of trash, multiple bottles of cleaning solution and I don't even know how many rolls of paper towels, his house still wasn't clean. Who knew one guy living alone could destroy such a nice house, but then's Nikki Sixx we're talking about here. I closed my eyes for a quick second, groaning as I was interrupted by the doorbell.

I walked over to the door, my smile fading away when Slash stood on Nikki's doorstep. I noticed under his black sunglasses and curly hair a smirk was playing along his lips as he looked at me up and down.

"Is Sixx home? Or is he he dead?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. I stared awkwardly, remembering the last time I saw him, I was on the brink of orgasm before Nikki came in like a bat out of hell.

I shook my head, leaning against the front door, "No, he left for rehab a few days ago."

"He's alive? It isn't just a rumor?" He seemed skeptical, I nodded in reassurance,
"Yeah, no he's alive. The paramedic was apparently a fan and wouldn't let him go so easily." I explained as he became quiet, I think he was taking it all in since Nikki did say he was at the hotel room when he overdosed.

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