Akward gayness

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(A/N I really dontknow why this is something I wrote but as title suggests it's just two akward gays being gay subtilly.. Idk anyways the art is by a good friend of mine EnnadeTheJester.)

The group had stopped in the woods to set up camp for the night. Chlora, Lilias and Canzuky had gone out to explore a bit and to get something to eat for supper. Damen had walked off without telling anyone where he had gone but no one really cared. 

Orion wanting to be antisocial had taken residence in his tent. everyone not doing anything had gathered wood for a fire and had all gathered around to talk despite it not being that late yet. It was actually just past two in the afternoon but most of the group had gotten tired from walking. One of the group, Nola, had the idea to go get Orion to see if he wanted to sit with the group. 

She went over to his tent and opened it a bit, "Hey Orion, Do you want to come join us outside of your tent?"

"Why should I bother? No one really wants me to talk with them and I'd really rather stay here."

"Please? You haven't really talked to anyone all day. It'll do you some good to talk with me and the others." Orion knowing the little girl wouldn't leave him be until he left his tent begrudgingly got up and walked out of his tent to a beaming Nola. "Yay! Now come on and sit with the rest of us!" The little girl running to go sit next to Crystal, Canzukys older sister.

Orion annoyed walks over and sits next to his daughter, Diana. Diana hugged his arm and looked up at him smiling. Orion looked at her and gave a small smile back still annoyed but not as much with Diana there. 

The group continued their former conversation Orion not really paying much attention and not talking much at all. After a bit the trio that had gone out to get food and explore a bit came back. the two children, Chlora and Canzuky covered in mud. Nola turned to look at her sister and Canzuky. "What happened? You jump in a mud pool?" 

Chlora giggled and explained that her and Canzuky had tripped falling into a big mud puddle as they ran through the forest to catch a rabbit. Once she finished her little story she ran around chasing Nola with her mud covered body. The two ran around for a bit before Chlora trips falling into Orion covering the back of his hoodie in mud and anything else that had attached itself to her. Chlora quickly got up and backed off no longer giggling and having fun knowing that the android could blow a fuse.

"I'm sorry Orion.. I didn't mean to trip."

Orion glared at her but his glare softened when he felt Diana tightly squeeze his arm in hopes to avoid any bad situations. The android patted his daughter on the head and started to get up, Diana letting go of his arm as he did. "Well I should probably go change..." Orion's tone annoyed and angry. He walks off heading to his tent leaving the rest of the group to talk once again. 

Orion being to tall to change comfortably in his tent decided to grab another shirt and hoodie and go into the forest far enough away from the camp to not be seen. Once he was far enough to not be seen he started to change his hoodie and shirt. Once he had taken off his shirt he hears the sound of a bush moving and freezes.

He assumes its an animal but in the next few seconds finds out that it was not an animal. It was Damen, he wasn't wearing his shirt of suit jacket. Damen looked over at Orion, "oh uh hey." Damen looks Orion up and down examining the situation in his head. "Why are you not at camp with the others.. and why aren't you wearing a shirt?.." 

Orion who was sort of distracted by Damens chest and abs subconsciously, but got pulled back once Damen asked the question. "I.. needed to change shirt and hoodie... so I came over here.." Orion says collecting his thoughts.

The two awkwardly stood there looking at each other, both blushing a bit, their eyes sometimes straying from each others faces to look elsewhere. After a long silence Damen stopped looking at Orion and turned to face away. "I left some stuff over there.. I should probably go get it.." He then walked off still blushing. 

Once Damen walked away Orion lost himself in thought and changed. Once he had put on his shirt and hoodie he tuned to go back to camp. after a few steps he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, he then heard Damen's voice whispering in his ear. "Before I saw you staring. just thought to mention." 

The android turned around but Damen wasn't there. He had teleported off to get back to camp.

Orion walked back over to camp and was greeted by a few in the group asking him why it had taken his so long to simply change but Orion ignored most questions not answering. 

The group brushed it off and everyone started talking between themselves sometimes as a full group or in small groups talking about different things. As everyone talked Orion caught Damen looking over at him. Every time Orion looked back over at Damen he would turn his head to look back to either who he was talking to or off in the distance. 

The group all talk into the evening Lilias, with the help of Nola and Chlora, had made food for everyone as they all talked. Once it got dark out the three little kids got tired and retreated to their tent that they all shared. Soon after three of the teens, Lilias, Kaina and Crystal went off to their respective tents. This left Diana, Orion, Aron, Damian and Damen around the slowly dimming fire. 

Orion told Diana to go off to bed as it was getting late, he got up and went to put her to bed. Once he got back Damian had gone off to bed as well. This let Aron, Damen and Orion. 

The two demons managed to engage Orion in conversation without him yelling or having an argument with one of them. After a bit Aron got up saying he was going to bed adding something in Satani directed at Damen. Damen responds with, "Ya, ya. Don't worry. I won't."

Orion was a bit annoyed that he didn't understand the short exchange but had learned that he has to live with it. Once Aron walked off leaving to his tent the two left around the campfire looked at each other not knowing if they should just go to bed or if one should say something. 

Damen started a very awkward conversation about the first few things that came to mind, The conversation quickly dying out. Orion decides that he'll just go and head to his tent to possibly lay down or something as he doesn't know what else to do. He tells Damen while getting up, "I'm gonna go to bed now.." He then awkwardly walks off to his tent. Damen soon after heads to his tent to sleep.

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