clever, clever girl

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'Our world isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean we give up on it.'

MY NERVES WERE GOING HAYWIRE. If you even said a simple 'hi' to me, I'd freak. My body and mind alike were on high alert, and my hands were pumping with energy waiting to be released. I didn't know what to do or what to tell Lloyd. Barely being able to take care of myself sucked, and it sucked even more that I was on the verge of passing out.

I licked my chapped lips and swallowed hard. Focus, I told myself. That was what I needed, but like everything in Ninjago, where was it when you needed it most? Lloyd briefly glanced at me. He was obviously worried about my state, both physically and mentally. I didn't have the heart to tell him I felt like death itself.

I drew in a deep breath and focused on the cave before us. The opening was just large enough to fit two people through various jagged teeth jutting out of the ground and above. We entered the dark and dank cave. Water dripped from the ceiling in a patterned manner. It was slightly humid too, but the coolness emitting from the rough walls overpowered it. There was no walkway, only pillars of rock that lasted about ten meters leading to hallway. 

I suddenly felt agitated. There was no way I could jump across, and forget about my elemental dragon. Ever since Uncle Wu disappeared, I'd lost the ability along with everyone else. Lloyd bit his lip and met my eyes reassuringly. "(Y/n), I'll figure out something. I-just--"

I slowly climbed off his back and shakily stood. Morro was yelling, NO! DON'T DO IT!, but at this point, I wasn't willing to back out. "Meet you on the other side." I wheezed out with a cough. This move would be the riskiest I'd taken in a while, but I liked to live on the wild side. I drew in a focused breath that seemed to echo along the cave walls. I threw out my good arm.

"(Y/n), stop! You need to regain your strength."

Lloyd's cry seemed to motivate me more. I didn't want to let him down. My fingers slightly shook as purple mist burst from my fingertips. I could feel the rocks begin moving. I could sense their components and their energy. They floated and clashed until molding into a walkway. I had controlled their shape, as if I had bent reality by a fraction through sheer will. I clasped my hand in front of me in a fist and took an uneasy step on the rocks. They didn't collapse. Relieved, I moved forward. 

Behind me, the rocks morphed back into their original state, leaving Harumi and Lloyd on their own. I reached the other side before collapsing on my knees. "(Y--" Lloyd held his tongue and merely sighed. I panted sharply as Harumi and Lloyd slowly made their way towards me. Lloyd jumped past a few pillars without much fuss before cupping his hands around his mouth. "Are you okay over there?" he questioned. I subtly nodded. "F-fine."

Lloyd continued on, a few times nearly losing his footing. "If the last mask is here, it won't come easy. Trust me," he turned to Harumi, "I've had my share of deadly tombs. Follow my every step."

Morro grumbled something I didn't pay attention to.

I steadied my breath and kept a trained eye on the princess. She took a chance and hopped onto one of the pillars. Lloyd did the same, but suddenly, cracks spider-webbed around the pillar's surface. Lloyd struggled to keep his footing as it deterred and wobbled. It suddenly crumbled under his feet like apple cobbler. 

"Lloyd!" cried Harumi. I watched indifferently, knowing full well he would be perfectly fine. Lloyd took a leap of faith, just barely making it onto the next pillar. "Okay, don't touch anything with that symbol on it." He pointed to a black rectangular shape painted on the pillar. It had two arrows at the end, each pointing either inwards or outwards.

I rubbed my eyes and patiently waited for Lloyd to get to the other side. Normally, I would have taken the chance to get rid of Harumi, but since Lloyd was here, all I could do was sit tight. I looked away for a moment to check my broken arm. "What's happening?" questioned Lloyd. I squinted as a terrible rumble bounced off the walls. Much to my bewilderment, the mouth of the cave was slowly snapping shut.

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