her sins, my tragedy

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'Your exclusion of others has only made enemies. Beware of how you treat those around you, for they will do the same.'

It felt as though it would last for hours. Lloyd couldn't move--couldn't think. His mind was fogged over with 'what if's' and 'could haves' or 'should haves'. Deep down, he knew he should have seen this coming. (Y/n) had been sick to begin with, yet he never took the time to ponder the why or how. Now, it was too late for that, and no matter how many 'what if's' he said, nothing would change. (Y/n) would not suddenly rise from the dead with a 'just kidding' and no way in heck would Harumi tell him that everything was a 'just a prank, bruh'.

The tears would not stop flowing from Lloyd's eyes. It was a never ending river of salty liquid. He swallowed hard and forced himself to tear his gaze away and to Harumi. "W-why?" His voice cracked. "Why did you do this?"

"Do what?"

There was a hint of annoyance in the princess's voice. She was playing the role of victim again, thought Lloyd. His chest suddenly began heaving as if he'd ran a mile. His hands shook and his surroundings became unfocused as he was overwhelmed with anger.

"You poisoned her, didn't you?!"

A large, Cheshire-like grin rose onto her ruby lips. "Well aren't you such a clever little ninja, just like your dear cousin." Harumi was seething in indignation. It was clear, even to Lloyd, that Harumi despised (Y/n). "My poison didn't do all the work though," she continued; "the mere energy awakened from the masks set off alarms for her Elemental Powers--something to do with how they're a tool in resurrecting your father."

Said girl let out a long, tired sigh. "I knew to keep you and your cousin close. But who knew you'd cause so many problems for me. Me of all people!" She leaned her hip upon the pedestal with unwavering confidence. "Now that she's dead, I have nothing to worry about."

Lloyd felt like he'd snap at any second. His powers were building up like steam in an enclosed pot, itching to just let out. "You monster." was all that left his lips.

"Speak for yourself." A cruel gleam sparked in Harumi's dark eyes. "You took everything away from me! My parents--dead because of you! And the only one who saved the city from total destruction was your father!"

Lloyd wasn't having any of it. He'd heard so many complaints when he was a kid; this wasn't new. There wasn't anything he could do anyway to stop the Great Devourer. He didn't have the power his father did at that time, so it wasn't Lloyd or any of his friend's fault, or so he tried to say. A pit formed in his stomach. It was slowly swallowing him and biting back at all the years of suppressed guilt he had. But (Y/n), lying on the cold floor of the temple, unmoving, not breathing, was the last straw.


Lloyd's claim echoed like a scream in the mountains. And as the echo died down, a sob collapsed from his throat. He chocked on his own tears, greif-striken. It was always Lloyd against the entire world. Lloyd against the Great Devourer. Lloyd against (Y/n). Lloyd against his father. And now, it was him against Harumi, the one he was so madly in love with. 

He felt so betrayed.

"I-I was only a kid," cold tears dribbled down the sides of his cheeks as he squeezed (Y/n)'s limp hand, "there was nothing I could do."

A mocking smile grazed the tips of Harumi's lips as she stalked forward. "Don't make me laugh." she darkly started. "You're the Green Ninja, a descendant of the First Spinjitzu Master. While you had your friends and family, I had nothing. Why? Because you and your friends were too weak to defeat the Great Devourer. And while you wallowed in self-pity and defeat, others paid the price. How many times has Ninjago fallen under your watch? How many times have you ninja failed?!" Llpyd flinched as Harumi sneered. "You're not our protectors, you're just a bunch of little kids playing dress up! Ninjago is my home too, and with your father at my side, we can return it to glory."

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