bury a friend, or not[lost chapter]

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[CONFESSION!! I was originally supposed to continue this story all the way to s10, but I kinda lost it and couldn't do it because I was really stressed. Good news though! I'm working on a REBOOT that will eventually be posted reallygreenland my other account and hopefully continue this story past your death. Follow my other accohnt so you won't miss it!]

-this is one of the 'deleted' chapters btw that I'll include in my reboot (planning to publish it sometime in December or 2021 January)

'I can't afford to hate people. I don't have that kind of time.'

"(Y/N)! Come on, please, wake up!"
My eyes snapped open and the first thing I saw was Morro. He was disheveled, with his hair a rat's nest and bags under his eyes. For some reason, he was more transparent than usual, which kind of scared me. I squinted and sat up in my bed, or what I assumed to be my bed.

That was when I realized, I had no clue where I was.

"Morro, what--"

"You died," he frantically blurted out, "and I'll die with you if you don't wake the fuck up." I stared at him as memories suddenly flooded back. Harumi. The poison. Lloyd.

"Do you know how worried I was?"

Morro's voice seemed so far away. As he continued to talk, it was like I was swimming under water and unable to resurface. My hands shook and my eyes pricked with hot tears. I suddenly felt very warm like I was sick again.

I...I'm dead?

Morro's firm, calloused hands took hold of my shoulders. He gave them a good squeeze and redirected my gaze to him. "We're both dead, but if my plan works, you'll be fine."

My expression stayed solid as I let out a stale chuckle. "I'm in danger."

Morro pinched the bridge of his nose. He released my shoulders and paced like he was Sherlock solving a tough case. "We'll all be in danger of we don't take action now. Pay attention you; I've figured out a way to 'revive' you. By possessing you, I'll take full control of your body until you've rested enough to take control. So in a way, you'll be reanimated."

I narrowed my gaze skeptically. "What's the catch?"

"We'll both die if you don't recover in time, meaning your soul will be gone. Forever."

I stared at Morro for a good minute. I trusted him, but I wasn't so sure about his plan. It was a 50/50. Risky, but at least I had some chance. The thought of leaving behind Ninjago and all my friends and Lloyd and Misako and Mistake was the only thing keeping me from backing down. I nodded in understanding, suddenly resigned. "So I'll be alive but not alive?"


"And if I don't regain the strength to control my body again, we'll both die."


I sucked in a sharp breath and clapped my hands together for added effect. "Alright. Let's do this." Morro smiled tightly. "If you die, I die."

"How reassuring."


Saddness, defeat, and anger was all that hung around the group as they reached the police station. The three masks? Stolen. (Y/n)? Dead. Lloyd? Captured. And hotel? Trivago.

Okay, scratch that last part. But the point was, what did the Ninja have left besides willpower? Even that was crumbling to bits. Hope did not exist for any of them, especially Kai. Out of all the present ninja, Kai felt the most guilt. (Y/n) had entrusted him with her sectet. She had told him of her suspicions, yet Kai wasn't able to do a thing. He was originally skeptical, and now look where that got him.

"Damn it!" Without even thinking, he punchered a hole in the wall of the police station with his fist. Foot-long cracks spider-webbed across the white surface as drywall flaked out. Kai let his fist drop to his side. This was his fault. It had to be. If he had only paid more attention and heeded her words, then she wouldn t be lying in Zane's arms.

Nya took Kai's bruised and drywall-covered hand in hers. She smiled sadly at Kai, eyes glossy. Although she didn't say anything, Kai understood her silent words: it's not your fault. That was when he felt the hot pricking in his eyes and his lip quiver. Damn it. Damn it all. Nya wrapped him in a tight hug. "You know, whatever you're thinking Kai, it's," her voice cracked, "it's not your fault."

Jay sniffled and turned away to hide his face. Cole wiped away his tears as Zane simply stared into a quiet office. The team was falling apart, and everyone felt that. (Y/n) was a core part of everyone. She wasn't an extrovert or a loud-mouth who liked cracking jokes, but a true leader. And most importantly, the one who kept everyone in check in the toughest of times. When nothing was done, she was the one to do it because she could never stay still. She was every-changing, unpredictable, and wistful.

"We all miss her," said Zane. "But we have a mission we must complete."

Kai lightly brushed off his sister. He suppressed the last of his tears and clenched a fist. "Zane's right. She...would want us to continue, no matter what. The fate of Ninjago...rests in our hands." Kai looked around at his friends and sister, a new kind of fire in his eyes. "Come on guys, we have to get a move-on. We can't just sit around and twiddle our--"

The lifeless body of (Y/n) laying on a chair went rigid. The boys didn't know what to really do with it, so they had just left her there to sit, in hopes that she would miraculously be okay.

Turns out they were right, to a loose degree.

Everyone's eyes focused on the body as blue and gray and green mist swirled around her. "What's happening to her...?" Nya shakily questioned. Jay's teeth began chattering. He latched onto Nya, fear sparking in his eyes. "S-she's possessed!"

No one moved, for Jay's thought actually seemed plausible. They were all rooted to their spots as (Y/n) stood up, her head limply hung low. She ripped off the bandages on her bad arm before her eyes snapped open. "Urgh." Her voice wasn't the usual, silvery tone it once was when she was living. Instead, it was slightly echoy and overlapped with a deeper, masculine voice.

"Morro, was that really necessary?" she questioned, her once rigid body returning to what one would consider normal. (Y/n) raised her head and ran a hand through her hair. "Yes, it was necessary. Look at their faces--priceless." (Y/n) met the terrified faces of her friends. She meakly smiled at them with a wave. Her body had an unusual glow to it, and that scared the ninja.

"Guys, I-I think s-she's possessed by--by M-Morro!" cried Jay. Kai stared at the girl in a horrified awe. "For once, I think you're right Jay."

"I can't believe I'm agreeing." Cole piped up. "I second that." added Nya. Zane eyed (Y/n) up and down, unable to say a word. His scanners were telling him too many things at once. If he were human, he were sure he'd have a migraine. "(Y/n) is indeed possessed, but a part of her is still in control, easily told by the overlapping of their voices." Zane locked eyes with the Master of Aether. "Why are you possessed by Morro (Y/n)?"

The girl smiled. "Glad someone has enough brain cells to speak to me." she replied. "This whole idea was Morro, by the way. He said that by possessing me, I can somehow be revived. I just have to rest, meaning my time is up. Morro, you're in charge." The familiar feminine voice faded.

"Well, if it isn't the ninja."

They all jumped at the cool voice. Morro held up his (or her?) hands defensively. "I'm not here to wreck havoc. Worry more about the Sons of Garmadon. I'm only here to help (Y/n), unless you'd rather see her die." Kai narrowed his eyes at the ghost. "Never, but how do we know we can trust you?" Jay let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, last time you possessed Lloyd, almost got everyone killed, and--"

"That doesn't matter!" Morro exclaimed. He heaved in a deep breath to centre himself before adding, "What matters is keeping (Y/n) alive, stopping the resurrection of her dead uncle, and getting rid of the Sons of Garmadon. For good."

The ninja shared glances of resignation with each other. "I sense we can trust Morro. It is highly unlikely he will betray us due to the stakes of keeping (Y/n) alive." he said. Cole pulled up his hood. "If Zane says we can trust Morro, then I'm in." A few moments passed before Nya and Jay nodded in agreement. Everyone sent Kai a look and he stubbornly crossed his arms.

"Okay fine. Let's go."

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