Part Eleven

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"Iiiiiiitttttts yooooourrr BIRTHDAY!!! WAKE UP!"
Mulder's hovering in the door frame of Emily's room wearing one of Scully's cooking aprons. He'd managed breakfast only having to redo the toast once! He'll mark that one down as a win.
Emily sits up wiping at her eyes before it really sets in that today IS her birthday.
She's up and on her feet jumping on the bed within seconds. Mulder mentally notes that he'd have already passed out had he gotten up that quickly.
"I've got breakfast ready! Let's eat and then we'll pick out what you want to wear for your party!"

Scully's in the kitchen working on a cream cheese bagel because Mulder they're quick, easy, and less fattening! I've got a lot to do before this party! - And yes, it was real cream cheese. They all should be safe today.

Emily sits at the table while Mulder plates her eggs, bacon, and toast on to that notorious Scooby-Doo plate.
"Mulder, what time is my party?"
"It's at four."
"Well, what are we going to do until then?"
She's pushing her eggs around the plate as she interrogates the only left adult in the house.
"I'm not sure yet."
Mulder sits at the table digging right in, famished as always.
"I think we should go to the warium."
"Umm, I don't think that's a good idea."
"It's not polite to speak with your mouth full."
Mulder smiles, the contents in said mouth showing. Emily giggles and finally stuffs the first bite into her mouth. Of course, she mocks him and shows off her food.
"I know that's a mommy rule..."
He says after swallowing. Emily nods...then repeats the action.
"But it's your birthday, so I'll let it slide."
"So, Mulder. What are we gonna do?"
"What if we go shopping?"
"And I can get a birthday present?"
Mulder thinks for a beat before answering,
"Yeah, but I need your help with something too. You up for that?"
"Yeah, well we can't shop on an empty eat up."
That always seems to work with her.

Scully, quite the busy bee she is, picks up the cake, extra cookies, a few decorations that she hadn't seen the week prior, and swings by her moms for the gifts.

"Dana, you've got a lot on your plate. Are you sure you don't want me to just follow you over? I can help set up..."
"Oh, mom, you don't have to do that. I've got Ellen coming over. We'll have it all under control. You could come around two? Mulder might need some help getting Emily re-dressed."
"Oh, I'm sure with whatever they're getting into right now she'll need to change."
Maggie laughs and helps carry out a few bags to the car.
"I'm assuming Ellen will bring Trent? I haven't seen him for such a long time. I bet he's grown!"
"Like a weed, mom. I'm sorry,"
With furrowed brows, Scully tries to let her mother know apologetically as possible I've got to go!
"Yes! yes! go! I'll see you around three!"

It's three and the party starts in one hour. Scully has turned her apartment into an aquarium/shark birthday land. She hung plastic sheets on the walls that look like the ocean, placed little fishbowls filled with goldfish crackers, and labeled Mulder's fish tank with all the new names Emily had given the three fish: Sharky, Foxy, and Sharky two.

Ellen placed different shades of blue streamers around anything and everything and then taped all the different kinds of sharks on any free wall spaces she could find.

Maggie arrives with homemade pasta salad and bags of chips to go with the hamburgers and hotdogs that will be served.

"Oh good! Thank you,"
Scully puts the dish in the fridge after having to play Tetris with everything else in there.
" ocean theme?"
"An aquarium theme. Emily's really into sharks right now."
Maggie laughs, taking in the entirety of the decorations.
"I tried looking into getting her a shark for the tank, but I didn't have much luck."
"A shark?"
Ellen's eyes grow wide.
"No, no. Not like a shark in the ocean, Ellen. There are fish that resemble sharks but actually are more in the carp or catfish family."
Maggie and Ellen made the connection in tandem.
"Speaking of Emily, where is she?"
Scully looks down at her watch and realizes that they should be here.
"Mulder took her out, I'm sure... I'll just call..."
Like clockwork, in two come through the door with a few bags in hand.
Emily drops her bags and leaps into her mother's arms.
"There's my birthday girl! Look at're..."
Scully looks past the child and towards Mulder.
"You're ... beautiful."
Mulder let Emily dress herself. After all, it's her birthday.
The child wears a sparkly pastel purple dress with green leggings, her red bubble coat, and yellow rain boots.
"We went shopping today, mommy, and Mulder got me new shoes. They light up!"
"He did? And did you say thank you?"
"Yes, she did,"
Mulder chimes in, walking back into the room. He'd gone back to the bedroom to bag up the gifts he got Emily when she wasn't looking.
Ellen takes Emily's hand and walks her over to the fish tank to show her the labeled names.
"Fox, the burgers and hotdogs...were you planning on grilling them?"
Maggie now sports a kitchen apron, she's in full food prep mode.
"Yes. I've borrowed a grill. It's outside on the side of the building. I'll get it fired up and ready."
"Good, be sure to put a coat on, it's chilly out there. Dana, sweetheart, the guests will be arriving at any moment. Is there anything else I can do to help?"
"No. Thanks, mom. You can relax."
Of course, she doesn't. Maggie returns to the kitchen resuming whatever it was she'd been doing before she'd asked about the grill.

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