Part Thirteen

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It's like something out of a movie. Scully lit candles and strategically placed them around the lip of the tub. Mulder turned off all the lights, and the two sunk down together into a peppermint bubble bath.

Mulder sits with his back against the ceramic tub while Scully rests between his legs; her back against his chest.

"This is technically our first real Christmas together."
Scully absentmindedly traces circles around his right knee cap.
"What? Are you telling me we weren't together at that mansion on Christmas Eve?? And then, as I recall, you came to my apartment and we spent the hours leading into Christmas together."
"Mulder! I mean like this. Together."
"Oh. I get you."
"This is so...nice."
She hums against the skin of his neck while he runs his fingers through her hair.
Scully giggles for a second,
"Why are you laughing?"
"I don't know. I'm just thinking about you being in a bubble bath right now."
"You are too..."
"Yeah, but it's so romantic."
"You saying I'm not romantic? Wh? What about that time in the hospital when I told you I loved you??"
"Mulder you were completely out of your head that night!"
"I was not! Oh! What about all the times I've opened the door for you- I'm quite the gentleman too."
"Mulder, you open up the door for everyone."
"What?? No! Okay, okay. What about the time I asked you to marry me?"
There's a brief pause. Now certainly was not the time he planned any of this. However it just kind of fell right into place. Of course, there was a previous time he'd asked her to marry him ( on the phone ) to which he recalls her hoping for something a little more helpful...but she obviously doesn't remember...and how romantic is this?
"Right now."
He says, voice a little shakey. Even he hadn't really expected himself to say those words out loud.
She turns around until she's on her knees before him.
"I mean, yes... I did ask you once before...and this isn't really how I'd planned out asking in my mind, but hey...get out of the damn car, right?"
"Y-You were going to ask...Mulder..."
"Yes. The morning of Emily's birthday party she and I went out shopping. I asked her to help me pick out a ring and--"
Scully pulls her hands up to her face to wipe away the tears that have begun to fall.
"Oh, Scully. I didn't mean to--"
"No, Mulder. The answer is yes."
"Yes? R-Really?"
Scully nods, a full wattage smile making its appearance.
Mulder reaches out and pulls her to him, completely closing that unnecessary gap between them.

Scully quickly blows out all the candles while Mulder digs around in his sock drawer for that little black velvet box.

He found it. Now his hands shake as he stands there in nothing more than a towel- like he said, this is not really how he'd planned this to go at all.
Scully had slipped into a light blue silk robe just before answering his call. She knows what's about to happen, but that doesn't stop her little legs from trembling. Slowly his hands find hers in the ill-lit bedroom.

"It's you, Scully. It's always been you. I'm a better man because of you. I may not know all the truth's, and I might never find them, but what I do know with absolute certainty is that I am completely and madly in love with you. You have given me happiness and love, and beyond that, you've given me the greatest friendship that I never thought I even deserved. I love your daughter with my entire heart and if you let me, I'll raise her alongside the best mother in the entire world...Dana, there's no one else I'd rather grow old with, and this is it... You're my person. You're my one in five billion - I was in my right mind when I told you that too. If there's nothing left out there for me, if the truth is so far covered and redacted that I'll never be able to shed light on...then at least I have you. I'd rather have you...Will you have me?"

"Mulder, you are the greatest most loyal and determined man I know. To be loved by you filled all those empty voids of loneliness that I felt for so long. I don't believe that I've made you a better man. You made yourself a better man because of everything we've been through together. Throughout all of these years, when I look back, I realize that just as tough as I am, or like to've always been there for me. I know I held up some pretty strong walls, but it has only been you that could see through the cracks. You found me...and Mulder you have me. You've always had me."

His smile begins from his heart pulling upwards towards his eyes, and it's then he tastes the tears that streamed down his face. Scully steps forward and presses to her toes so that she might reach him.
"I love you and will happily marry you."
Mulder opens that little black velvet box, his eyes glued to her face.
Scully gasps and brings her hands back to her face.
The ring is suttle-ish. A gold band wrapped with small diamonds and a single pearl in lieu of a bigger diamond.
"Made me think of your love for the sea."
"Mulder, it's beautiful."
The ring slides on her left hand with ease. He may or may not have sized up one of her rings that she already had before.

Scully, already on her toes, presses her lips to his for a long and lasting kiss.
He wraps his arms around her middle, carefully lifting her off the ground.
"Mr. and Mrs. Spooky." She laughs.
"Don't." She laughs even harder.
"Mmm, Merry Christmas to me."
Scully moans into his mouth, her fingers threading through the hair at the back of his neck.
Mulder pops open one eye to glance at the clock. Sure enough, it's five past midnight.
"So it is."
"Merry Christmas, Mulder."
"Merry Christmas, Scully."


The ring was somewhat inspired by this ring of Gillian's
( )
However, I had already had it in mind that the ring would be a pearl... it just worked out that I found an image of Gillian wearing one :)

I imagine the pearl being a bit smaller.

Also, much like Mulder, this is NOT when I was planning to do the whole proposal!! AT ALL...
I was talking to a friend and asked her to list off time's Mulder had been obviously romantic and she listed off "the time he asked her to marry him". I typed it out and then sat there with my mouth WIDE OPEN. I said OMG THEY WALKED RIGHT INTO THAT ONE.
so yeah.

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