Part Twelve

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The second Thanksgiving was over, Scully and Emily were in full-blown Christmas fever. Scully wanted to put up the tree that very night, but Mulder insisted she take a nap before going out black Friday shopping with her sister-in-law and Ellen. Mulder would watch Emily that night and the two would end up playing dolls with her new dollhouse until it was nearing Midnight and the child couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.

However, that following weekend the tree was up and fully decorated. Mulder had wrapped the garland around the banisters outside the apartment because Mulder it'll look nice and the residents here will appreciate it. It seemed every day leading up to the week before Christmas more and more gifts would find themselves under the tree until they were overflowing on every side. Emily tried her best to pluck little corners off to catch a sneak peek but would be caught every single time.

Emily, remember, Santa is watching. Scully would say.

Normally Mulder and Scully would work right up until Christmas Eve. This year, not so much. They'd both taken the entire week off, and planned to take Newyears Eve and Day off as well. No spooky mansions with doomed-couple-suicide-pacts in their near futures.

It's the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring...except for a six-year-old child that's way too pumped up on cookies that were supposed to be for Santa.

"Mommy!! Santa is in Chicago now!"
Emily's jumping off the walls, she's so hyper.
"Yeah, well, you know he can't come here until you're in bed asleep!"
Scully finishes rinsing her mug of hot tea and returns to her spot on the couch next to and cozied up Mulder ( who is about to fall asleep ).
"Chicago...that's a lot of sleeps from here, Mommy."
"Not when you're on a magical slay with reindeer flying it!"
Mulder finally speaks up, his voice coming out a little more groggy than he expected. Emily laughs in response and pounces onto his lap.
"Mulder, you sound like Mr. Scrooge!"
Scully snorts a laugh and tugs for a share of the blanket.
"Are you sleepy?"
Scully pokes at Mulder's cheek playfully eliciting a grumble under his breath. Emily lies her head on his shoulder and for the first time of the night she's still, calm, and quiet. Scully's brows rise and Mulder unspokenly vows not to move until she's asleep.

Not ten minutes later Mulder carries a very deep sleeping Emily to her bed, tucking her in and pressing a quick kiss to her little forehead.

When Mulder closes the bedroom door behind him, he hears the bathtub running. The door is slightly ajar and he can see that Scully is undressing.
Quietly he stands leaning against the frame- she already knows he's there. She always does.

"Care to join?"

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