Finally Something You Deserve

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"A stick." Sanya said, mood marginally more (fakely) cheerful, looking at the pregnancy test. "What am I supposed to do with a plastic stick?"

"Pee on it." Lilith told her as they left Boots with a small bag. "It only takes 2 minutes to give you the results, all the instructions are in the packet, though. It's really not difficult. Make sure to leave it level though when you to put it down for a bit or it can skew the results."

Sanya was duly horrified and did not say anything at all the whole way back, and not even as she entered the bathroom at -ugh- home.

A minute and a half later, she was staring down impatiently at the pregnancy stick. She wanted to read the instructions but she'd already thrown it out the window, down into the dumpster which lay directly beneath it.

She picked up the stick some more seconds later and wondered what the mathematical symbol on it meant.

"What does this plus mean?" Sanya asked as she walked out the bathroom to see Lilith and Susan waiting.

Lilith felt rather nauseated for a moment. If she'd been quite honest, that was NOT the result she'd be expecting.

"I- would suggest taking the other just to be sure but- a plus- that means it's positive, Sanya. It's positive."

"That means... that means-" Sanya was at a loss of words, the words striking her in a deja vu way but the feelings which encompassed within her were more happy than the last time. "I....?" She looked at the others for confirmation.

Lilith nodded, pushing her panic aside to smile. "You're pregnant- again- still... oh, you know what I mean."

Sanya went back in again and came out again after two minutes.

"Plus." She held it up at them and Susan flew at her and wrapped her in her arms.

"I'm going to be an aunt again, I'm so happy, sister-in-law!" The Gentle Queen almost squealed with joy.

"I'm not your sister-in-law." Sanya wriggled out of her embrace, though she'd liked it. "At this point, all Ed and I are are parents and possibly friends."

She looked into Susan's half angered and half... half something else before turning away to look at Lilith, wanting to hear from her best friend.

"It's still good. Really good." Lilith told her friend with a smile,
"Finally something you deserve."

"Yeah... " Even Sanya had a smile on her face, which soon melted away. "Oh hell, I've got to tell Ed. Oh FUCK, how am I going to support a baby? We have no money!"

And finally she spoke Lilith's original anxieties.

"We'll make it work, like I said. We've a few months to prepare still. And- just- pull him aside and tell him?" was all she could offer.

"He can't murder me." Sanya shrugged and went to find him.

She found Peter on the sofa, watching- she squinted at the TV- Kill Bill, which looked interesting so she would watch it later as well. Lucy was curled up with Goose and was contentedly scratching his ears.

She found Edmund still in the same place she'd left him, in the bedroom.

"Ed? Can I- we talk?"

He looked to her with expressionless eyes, "Sure. What is it?"

"I- y- oh," She remembered the pregnancy stick in her hand and held it up to him. "Look."

He looked to it in confusion before his eyes fell back on her, "What am I meant to be looking at? Can't you just TELL me?"

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