Judging & Judges Rubric

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As readers and writers ourselves, we understand the need for honest feedback

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As readers and writers ourselves, we understand the need for honest feedback. In this award, we expect all of our cosmic judges to judge fairly and be unbiased. The moment our slots are filled (48 books per genre and 8 judges) and the list of novels is distributed equally to the judges, we are set to begin.

When we have distributed the amount of books per genre to the judges equally, the judging shall commence. We expect each book to be judged strictly and based on the quality of the book. Do not hand out high reviews if it's not deserving of the high review. If you happen to know the author and/or be friends with the author, contact us so we can make other arrangements for you. Any unfairness will be detected and we will review your reviews.

Each review should reflect these questions below and must be answered truthfully to the best of your abilities:

1. Why you gave the review?

2. What you liked and didn't like?

3. What the author can improve on?

4. Which minor award are they eligible for? (best lgbtq+, best main character, etc)

Now, the rubric for each fictional genre, (this is what your novels will be judged on):

Now, the rubric for each fictional genre, (this is what your novels will be judged on):

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+ initial interest (2.5)
+ interest in reading further (2.5)

TOTAL: 100/100

+ a review by the judge.

The rubric for poetry:

The rubric for poetry:

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Cohesiveness: /15
Emotions and Language: /10 (5 pnts each)
World-building, Setting and Theme: /15 (5 each)
Title: /5
Title originality: /10
Structure and Grammar: /20 (10 each)
Graphics : /10
Introduction and Ending: /10 (5 each)

+ initial interest (2.5)
+ interest in further reading (2.5)

TOTAL : 100

+ a review from the judge

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