Chapter 4

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You were really dreading to do this project since your partner was Chan after all, but as time ticked by it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. As you were doing your project you start noticing the littlest things about Chan. The way his fingers move smoothly as he took notes, the way he bit his lip when he seemed frustrated, when he would brush his hair back from time to time. You didn't notice you were staring, until Chan looks up at you his dark eyes meeting yours.

"Why are you staring?" he asks.
Such a simple question, but you couldn't answer. Why were you staring? Was it because you thought Chan was attractive? Yes you did find his looks his attractive, but you could never find his personality attractive. Or was it simply because you liked the way his fingers move when he wrote? Chan was still staring at you with such an intense gaze, you panic.

"Because you're attractive," you blurt out. That's when you realize you made a big mistake.
"Oh really? I find that hard to believe, I thought I was just a jerk because I accused you of wearing the same hoodie as me," Chan replies.
"You never apologized you know until you apologize you will always be a jerk to me"
"Then why did you tell me I was attractive?"
"Because you are physically attractive, but your personality isn't."
"Then I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"Assuming you were in love with me, and not giving you a chance to explain."
You raise your brow, you wouldn't have thought that Chan would apologize to you that easily. Did he have two personalities?

"Why would you apologize to me that easily? What do you want from me?" you ask, eyeing him carefully.
"You really have trust issues, don't you? First of all I feel bad, and when I feel bad I apologize, is that so wrong?"
"Well no, I suppose not..and it's not my fault, I grew up in a world where trust is like gold. It's hard to find. Even when I think I found trust, someone always betrays me. Just like when you think you find gold, its not gold.  Even then I don't know who to trust, like you, I can't tell if you are being nice or pretending," you don't know why you tell him all that, even the friends you had for months you never told them about your trust issues.
"Then lets be friends, we might of had a rough start but I apologized didn't I?"
"But, why me? Lots of girls are dying to be your friend, and I'm not one of them,"
"No they just want what I have, to be in a relationship with me. But none of them actually like me for who I am. They like my money, status,or my looks. But you don't care about any of that, you were the first person to ever yell at me like that, and not drool over the first sight of me.
In the end you agreed to be friends with him, maybe you two started out badly  but that doesn't mean you can't be friends. When you told Hanuel you became friends with Chan, she totally freaked telling you that it was history. No one ever became friends with Chan, except for his friend group.

The next day was the day of Minho's party, you looked in your closet full of expensive clothes. Filled with dresses and skirts you never wore. Since it was a party, you decided to dress nice, picking out a light lavender dress with flowers on the top half.You pull your hair into a braid,did your makeup, and decorated your hair with flowers. After you put on white laced high heels and headed out. (if you are a guy I am sorry please imagine you put on a nice suit and did your hair.)

Haneul was waiting for you when you got to her house, in a sparkling lacy blue dress, and her hair pulled up into a bun she was absolutely stunning.

"You look beautiful as always," you compliment her. She laughs, happy with your compliment.
"You too, never thought you would wear something like that instead of  hoodie and jeans," she replies.
You roll your eyes as you get into her car and she drives into the night.

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