Chapter 7

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"You can sleep by me in my bed,"
Chan's words snap you into reality, sleep by him, in the same bed..? You were confused, he had numerous amounts of guest rooms, so why would he tell you, that you could sleep by him?

"Why not one of the guest rooms?" you ask.
"Because..they are all empty except for the one Hanuel is using. I don't think you should bother her, so just sleep by me. It's really not a big deal, and don't worry I won't do anything to you."

You didn't believe him at all but you were too tired to argue, so in the end you went to bed with Chan. Chan's room was unique, it was neat, with shelves of albums,trophies, and posters of famous idols. Quietly, you slip into his bed getting comfortable, Chan slips in and with in minutes you hear his breathing, he's asleep. Unlike you, you were tired but you just couldn't fall asleep. So you did what you always did, you think about things that make you happy. You thought of roses, but then you started to think about what has happened the last few weeks. You somehow became friends with Chan, actually went to a party and enjoyed it, and sadly met your ex again. After 10 minutes of thinking, Chan's arms wrap around your waist, his face snuggles in your neck. You start to feel the heat rising on your cheeks, Chan's warmth makes you feel comfortable, it felt like everything. You couldn't quite describe the feeling, but it felt like everything in the world didn't matter. You smile, you finally drift off, with the warmth of Chan.

The next morning, you stretch, and yawn still a bit sleepy. You look around, and it took you a bit to remember that you were in Chan's room. You look besides you but Chan was gone, the scent of vanilla and coffee visible. Luckily today was Sunday, and you didn't have classes today, it was a bit cold and you were still in your party clothes, so you check Chan's drawer and took one of his hoodies. You forgot your jacket in the car, and didn't want to freeze to death. You took a gray soft one, putting it on you felt the most comfortable in a while. Although you and Chan were friends, you still were not extremely close, so you hesitated to open the door. Was it okay to just take his hoodie? Would he understand that you were cold? Taking a deep breath, you walk downstairs, the smell of crispy bacon and toast makes your stomach rumble. There was Chan, still in PJ's, cooking breakfast. Chan looks up for a moment, "You're awake y/n, come I made breakfast. Although I didn't know if you wanted toast or pancakes, so I made both." he smiles.

"Thank you, I'll just eat both. Oh..and I borrowed one of your hoodies, is that okay? Like if its not I totally understand," you tell him, as you sat down.
"Oh yeah that's fine, I don't wear that one as much anymore, keep it,"
"Alright, thanks,"
You secretly cheer, this was now your favorite hoodie. As you eat your food, you realize there was more food, placed for five people, rather than three. Confused you decide to ask Chan, "Do you have guests today, I thought there were three of us?"
"The food is for my siblings, they probably won't wake for another hour though," he replies.
You nod, after ten minutes you finish your food, which was absolutely delicious. Haneul wakes up after, her eyes red and puffy, like she was crying for hours. You do your best to comfort, telling her about how she deserves so much better and how wonderful she is. Haneul seemed a bit happier after, so you smile. You then suggest that you two go shopping and that you would buy her everything she wanted, just for today.

"What? No, I couldn't do that, I can't seriously, you earn your money. I'm not just going to take away that, I know not everyone is rich." Haneul seemed to absolutely disagree with your idea. If only she knew, sighing you motion her to lean her ears close to you.
"I'm going to tell you a secret, you CANNOT tell anyone okay?"
Haneul nods.
"What about me, can't I know the secret too?" Chan pouts, he was adorable, like a little puppy. You roll your eyes, you hoped Chan and Haneul still would treat you the same.
"Yay! So what's your big secret?" you laugh, Chan was acting like a girl.
"I'm rich, not poor, or average. My family makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year."
Haneul and Chan blink a few times, slowly processing the fact.
"Wait..but youre a scholarship student, and usually those aren't rich? Since they can just pay, why are you a scholarship student?" Haneul asks.
"My parents..they aren't very supportive of me. They don't really care what I do, they just work, they wouldn't even care if I didn't go to school because we have money anyways. But I like learning new things, it fascinates me."
Haneul gives you a sad smile, "Don't worry, I will always be your number one supporter!"
"Guess that makes me your number two supporter," Chan laughs.
"Thank you guys, now let's all go shopping!!!!"

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