chapter 2

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You turn your head towards the front of the crowd as the girls make a pathway. Walking down the hallway were four boys, all completely ethereal. The first boy to you looked like a prince, he was the tallest, his visuals were no joke. The second boy who was in the middle caught your eye the most. He was tall, with blonde hair, and his looks, there were no words to describe how beautiful he was. But you knew better, looks could deceive, in this world that's how people were, they look completely innocent, but behind their innocence was an evil intention. The next boy was tiny but scared you the most, next to him was a cute boy with a charming smile. For some reason you were distracted that you didn't realize when the tall boy suddenly stops in front of you. You look up to meet a pair of dark, mysterious eyes. You were completely lost in his eyes, you never felt this way before, the chills he gave you almost frightened you. Almost. Before you can ask what he wanted from you, he spoke.

"Please don't ever wear the same clothes as me again, you're crazy if you think wearing the same clothes as me, makes us dating," he says with a glare. One sentence never made you so angry, sure you get mad a lot but this, this stranger whom you've never met before dared to accuse you of something so absurd. You hated people like him, who just accuse without letting the other person explain. Before the boy could walk away with his squad you tug on his hoodie, until his face is just inches away from yours. His eyes widen, clearly surprised by your action. All eyes were on you.

"Listen here you jerk, you can't just accuse someone of wearing the same clothes as you and think they have some big crush on you. Not every single person in this school is in love with you, I'm wearing this hoodie because its my favorite one I got for my birthday. For your information, this is the first time I saw you and unfortunately not the last time. I especially despise people like you, who just accuse anyone of whatever they please."

And with that you let go of his sleeve. The boy's face was still full of shock, it was like no one ever raised their voice at him. A few seconds and the shock is gone, his face expressionless again.

"Whatever," he mumbles, as he walks away. You want to yell at him, but you don't want to create a bigger scene than you already did. His friends give you a sympathetic smile as they walk away with the boy.

"oh my gosh I cannot believe you just did that! And to CHAN of all people!" Haneul practically yells at you.

"What's wrong with saying what's on my mind? Do I not have the freedom of speech?" you yell back.

She looks scared for a second, sighing she says, " Yes of course you do, but look at his fangirls they're going to kill you before the week is over.. I know you're a kind person, but they won't ever see you that way. We just met and all, and I don't even know your name, but I don't like people getting hurt."

Haneul was right, as you look around all the girls were giving you death stares, whispering about you. It will never end will it? No matter how far I go, I always make people hate me. Nothing, no one can change that. What you didn't know that day, was that you were wrong someone was going to change that, someone would love you.

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