chapter 12

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After your breakdown, Chan took your hand.

"Come on I'll take you home,"

You take your things and follow Chan outside, it was already getting late even though it was only about 5 o'clock.

You get into his car, the car ride is silent, it was usually loud with you and Chan blasting music but he knew you weren't in the mood. You stare out the window the whole time, only the sound of Chan's occasionally soft taps on the wheel could be heard. You think and think, you had no idea who were sending those threats, what worries you more was that Chan and Haneul could get hurt. Now that Chan knew, the stalker could be anywhere, you shiver at the thought. You would do your best to make sure no one got hurt. If anyone got hurt it would be you, you wouldn't let anyone get hurt because of you.

Chan arrives at your house, you look and see the lights of your parent's bedroom on. They must be home for once, not like it mattered, they didn't seem to care much for you.

"Thanks for the ride," you lean in and hug Chan, feeling his warmth one last time before you go in.

When you get inside, your parents were on the couch, working on their laptops.

"I'm home," you say.

"Dinner is on the table if you're hungry, if you're not eat it later. Don't skip your meals," your mom responds. It wasn't much but for once it seemed your mom cared, even if it was just a little bit.

You take your dinner up to your room, and sit at your desk. You work on your homework as you ate, after about an hour you finish and called the maid to bring down your plates. You then took a quick shower and brushed your teeth, Chan texted you telling you he got home okay. You asked him if he could text you once he got home, before you went into your house. You let out a sigh of relief, and then crash onto your bed. You turn on your TV and watch Netflix, about thirty minutes later you were exhausted. You turn off your TV, and slowly fall asleep.


You meet Hanuel at the front of the school just like any other day, this time though she looked more excited. Haneul had a smile on her face, you missed her smile a lot, so you were glad she looked happy. She runs up to you.

"Guess what?"


"We have a new student, and it's a boy!! That's not all I heard he's really hot, I don't know about his personality yet, but he's hot," she exclaims.

"Is that a good thing?" you ask.

"I mean a hot new boy? Yes of course! Imagine if he was hotter than Chan.." she makes a dramatic gasp.

"No one could be hotter than Ch-" you stop at your words, you really just admitted that Chan was hot. Out loud.

"You were saying..?" Chan appeared from behind you with a smirk on his face.

"N-nothing.." you cover your face, not wanting anyone to see you blushing hard.

"Aww is y/n blushing? Come on let's go see who the new student is! I didn't even get to see him yet," Haneul grabs your arm and you two ran into the hallway, Chan tagging along.

By the time you three got there, there was already a large crowd, guess this school didn't get that much new students. Some girls were squealing over Chan but most were focused on the new boy, Haneul manages to get you to the front, her and Chan still in the back. The squeals got louder as someone yelled he was here. Someone pushed you and suddenly you were in front of the boy, but your head was down so you could only see his shoes. Why did those shoes look so familiar?

"I told you, this wouldn't be the last time you see me y/n," you knew that voice anywhere.

You look up to meet his eyes. There he was, your one and only ex, Han freaking Jisung. 

A/N: short chapter but hope you enjoy! I have lots of studying to do but I am trying to make it fun aha. 

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