chapter 19

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CHAN'S SO PRETTY IN THIS PIC PLEASEEE um also before this book ends yall have any specific scenes you want? maybe I could do an extra chapter with some scenes of y/n and chan, if you want that let me know!

Once inside, you see that someone was calling you. It was Haneul, you picked up.

"Hey, everything okay?" you ask her.

"yeah...I just made up my mind. I want to go to Minho's wedding next week,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm positive, even though we haven't talked really since you know, deep down I still trust him."

"Okay, I just don't want you getting hurt. You know it was really painful to keep seeing you cry because of him? I love you and I just want you to be happy. If you want to go I'll be right behind you,"

"Thank you y/n, I love you more. Good night,"

"Of course love you too, good night," you hang up the phone.

"I'm home," you call out.

Your mom walks out of her room, "Did you have fun today?" she asks, she was in PJS, she was probably getting ready for bed. Behind her, you could see your dad fast asleep on their bed.

"Yeah I did, Chan took me out today after we studied," you smile at the thought of him, your heart skips a beat.

"That's good, I like that boy you know? He's good to you, he makes you happy, and he has such a kind heart," you raise a brow, your mom wasn't the type to like people that easily, so for her to say something like that easily was a surprise to you.

"He does make me really happy, more than I've ever been. It seems most of my life hasn't gone the way I wanted to. Waking up to the same feeling of loneliness, no one to talk to. Maybe I'm selfish to want him to myself and to want to feel happiness," you sit down at the kitchen table, the clock quietly ticks by. Your mom sighs and sits down across from you, one of her hands on yours.

"y/n, you're not selfish dear, everyone wants happiness, it's just how humans feel. You love him, that's why you don't want anyone to have him. I know I haven't been the best mother a child could have, I know I wasn't ever there for you. I am sorry, maybe because I never felt love from my parents I treated you the same way all my life. To be honest I don't even know how I could be a better mother to you," you start tearing up at her sudden confession.

"I see, that's why we never visit your parents. I accept your apology, yeah it's been pretty hard these past years. It feels like you don't love me and don't care for me. But I think time will help, to start off you can start going to my school's events. You can see what we do and just have fun you know?"

"I like that idea y/n," she pulls you into a hug.


It was three hours before the wedding, you and Haneul were currently getting ready. You two were in your room, a room which seemed larger than it needed to be. Taking a glance at Haneul, you could tell she was nervous, so you try your best to at least distract her. You turn on some music, you do a little dance to the upbeat song. Haneul was doing her makeup and sees you in the reflection, she laughs.

"You can barely dance y/n, good thing you aren't majoring in performing arts,"

"Oh? I'd like to see you dance," you grab her arm and you two start dancing, she couldn't really dance either but she was definitely better than you.

"I DON'T WANNA BE SOMEBODY, JUST WANNA BE ME , ME!!!" you two shout as you dance hysterically.

"Okay we really have to move it, go put on your outfit already!" Haneul gives you your outfit and pushes you in your bathroom.

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