Chapter 2 The Witch that can become Nobody

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Her Dress

Her Dress

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"This is a whole lot of trouble you boys are putting me through over a few measly dollars," Oceans mocked as she ducked behind a boulder as the last remaining Skinner Brothers continued to attempt to hold off the ever advancing woman as they attempted to find a means of escape.

"You shut your damn mouth you whore!" One of them yelled which only lead to a bullet through his skull which had Oceans giggling at the man's face as he dropped dead on the forest floor, startling the ones that was closest to him.

"Aaw, poor little baby," Oceans continued to mock as she drew closer  while casually switching her Lancastor Repeater out for her pump-action shotgun since she know that there was only two left, which was amusing to her since earlier it had been a camp of nearly 20 or so.

Making quick work of the final two she then moved on towards the real reason why she was there.

"Mr. Riley, I have come to bring you in," Oceans shouted out as she walked towards the cave said man was currently trying to hide in. 
"Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way you will be coming with me, it just depends on how you would like your condition to be since I can't kill ya."

As she said this she placed all her weapons back in their normal places on her body and pulled out a Kukri with a sinister smile on her face which seemed to finally trigger an reaction from the man.

"O...OKAY....O..O..okay." The man pleaded as he shoved his hands up in the air and slowly began to make his way out. The man wasn't really a Skinner, he was just some low-life who hired them to protect him from bounty hunters, which was why he managed to survive/avoid the law for so long. 

Unfortunately this lead to the sheriff at Saint Denis to call on Oceans who in the bounty hunting world went by The Nobody, to both track and bring in the man, who was wanted for the murder of his family and a the assistant murder of those who tried to bring him in earlier.

"See, that wasn't so hard," Oceans said with a smile as she walked closer to the man, then striking him across the face, knocking him out before he even noticed what happened.

"Now a nice quiet ride back to Saint Denis," Oceans said as she tided him up and easily dragged him behind her, which was more out of being a jerk then anything since it was no secret that she was abnormally strong.

Throwing the still unconscious man into the back of her wagon made only for outlaws, she then moved to both brush and feed Tankie who once again proved to be one tough beast of a horse since he bravely charged face first into the camp along side his master and delivered a few nasty kicks to those that got to close to Oceans before fleeing at her words.

"That's my boy," she said fondly while Tankie eagerly nudged his nose into her palm, with one last pat Oceans then made sure the lock was on the wagon before hoping onto Tankie before snapping him into gear, to both turn in the criminal and get her reward money.

"This is going to be a long one," Oceans mumbled as she looked up towards the sky and saw the signs of a storm coming. Not that she mind since she loved it when it stormed, she just hated how slippery the road got when it did.

With one more huff she continued on to her destination, stopping every now and then to pick a few herbs that caught her eye or she would most-likely need for a potion or brew she was planning on making.

It was actually when she was New Hanover when she was both shocked and delighted to she the ever so familiar man Arthur with another man who was a darker skin tone then Oceans. 

"Hey, handsome," she called out which seemed to startle the two men. As the two turned around she was even more delighted to see the flash of recognition that appeared on Arthur's face.    

"Miss, Auray," he greeted with the tilt of his hat as the other man nodded towards you as Arthur continued.
"I never took you as the bounty hunting sort," while gesturing towards the wagon that still held Mr. Riley.

"Oh, its really just a side job I do, I really just go when it deals with the Skinner Brothers, the Murfee Blood, or those crazy Night Folk, which by the way please be careful if you are ever in the western parts of the Blue-water Marsh. These are not the people you want to be on your tail." Oceans warned.

"I'll keep that in mind ma'am," Arthur said truthfully since the last thing he or anyone in the gang needs is more trouble on their hands.

"Anyway if you don't mind me asking, are the two of ya, hunting?" She asked while gesturing towards their bows.

"Yeah, we're hunting a bison. My name is Charlies by the way," the black man now named Charlies said which caused Ocean to nod before giving a friendly smile and telling him her name.

After a few words Oceans parted from the two after a promise to meet up at the salon when I can to talk more, on behalf of Arthur of course who turned a little pink behind the ears much to both Charlies and Oceans amusement.

'Well back on with it,' Oceans thought before continuing her journey with a smile on her face. 

"Going to have to dress extra nicely the next time I'm in Valentine."


Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted you to get a small look into her character and what she does. The next chapter will have plenty of Arthur and the rest of em!

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