Chapter 7: Trading, Hunting, & Collecting

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"So how did Dutch take it?" Arthur asked as Hosea joined him outside of his tent before heading towards Lenny and Charles.

"Well he seemed okay with idea since I said I'll be handling it. Although he still wants the two of us focusing on this plan of his," Hosea said with a sigh since he couldn't help but feel as if nothing good will come out of this plan of his.

"Right, the plan," Arthur mumbled not to happy about the plan but was willing to follow whatever Dutch planed. 

"Yeah the plan, which reminds me Dutch wants you to follow a lead on how to sell the bonds we got from train not to long ago," Hosea informed Arthur as the two walked closer to Charles and Lenny before greeting them.

"Hey Hosea I heard you and Arthur here had a Job opportunity for us," Lenny said with his usual happy smile on his face while Charles simply nodded in greeting before waiting to hear what the two had to say.

"Well its more like Arthur had a job for the three of us," Hosea said while motioning towards Arthur who pulled out a smoke before he began talking.

"Well not to long ago I was able to gain a partnership in a business that can get us a lot of money both easily and fast. All you have to do is hunt which should be easy for you Charles and collect some things which is something you should be good at Lenny since your so book smart." Arthur said which seemed to interest the two.

"Well it would be nice to get out time and time again. Hell I'm always good with trying something new, so count me in. Plus anything beats having to work with Micah," Lenny agreed while everyone else laughed at his last statement since only a madman would want to work with Micah.

"It would be nice to make some money from hunting. Are there any demands I should know about?" Charles asked which Arthur replied.

"Nope, anything is good as long as the quality is good," Arthur said which caused Charles to nod his head.

"Then you can count me in," Charles said which caused Arthur to smile at the two.

"Good, well get right in to it later, for now I have to go handle a few things. Just be ready tomorrow to head out so I can get some more equipment for ya," Arthur said as he made his way towards his horse and got on.

"Sure thing Arthur well be hear waiting for ya," Lenny said before heading back in camp while Charles said his good-byes and went to go replace Bill for guard duty.

"Well you go and finish that thing for Dutch, me and the boys will make sure everything runs smoothly here, be safe out there Arthur," Hosea said while waving good-bye to Arthur before heading back to his tent.

With a nod Arthur rode off on his horse while planing to make a stop at Oceans house to talk to her about the new development.

"I swear if I see another of them night folks I swear I'll find their little hideout and murder every last one of them," Oceans growled as she throw the last body into the fire pit with a groan before standing back to look at her work.

In front of her was now the burning bodies of some night folk who tried to ambush her while she was looking for some treasure up north of Bluewater Marsh. To say this was her fourth encounter was an understatement. She can honestly say that she has been ambushed by these fools more then eighteen times already and she doesn't want to make it nineteen.

Quickly she grabbed her bag which was filled with the stuff she looted from their bodies and climbed up on her horse and high tailed it out of there. 

"I better head into Saint Denis to sell most of this since I have no need for it, before heading back home," Oceans mumbled as she moved her horse towards the trail that will take her to her destination.

Hope ya like it!!

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