Chapter 6 Jobs, Jobs, and More Jobs

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"Arthur! Welcome back my boy!" Hosea yelled out once he spotted Arthur getting off his horse after not returning back to camp the last few days.

"How ya doing Hosea?" Asked as he walked over towards Hosea who was currently reading through one of his western books he loves to read so much.

"Oh I'm doing just fine, although the real question here is where have you been recently?" Hosea asked since Arthur didn't usually stay out for long unless Dutch sent him out on a mission which he was positive wasn't the case since he and Dutch would have spoken about it already.

"Oh, um," Arthur started not really knowing how to explain where he's been the last few days without feeling/sounding like a boy being caught sneaking around.
"I've been with a friend, helping them out with somethings."

"A...close friend?" Hosea asked not really believing what he just heard because as long as he known Arthur he wasn't much of the type to get friendly with another person. 

"Yeah, I uh meet em not to long ago up in Valentine. They recently offered me a partnership which to me seems like easy money," Arthur said as he moved to join Hosea at his tent and sat down.

"Hmm, what kind of job are they offering?" Hosea asked with curiosity being shown clearly on his face.

"Oh you will like this," Arthur started which made Hosea even more curious.

"What, they have you robbing people or something?" Hosea asked which caused Arthur to chuckle.

"Na'w they recently started a trader's business and need someone with hunting experience so they asked me," Arthur said which caused Hosea to nod in it being easy money.

"That is easy money, but does it pay well enough?" Hosea asked only for his eyes to widen when he saw Arthur pull 400 dollars from his satchel.

"This is only from one delivery trip of maybe 2 barrels think about how much it would be with a full wagon full of barrels." Arthur said.

"I can only imagine," Hosea mumbled while silently thinking that maybe their luck may turn around if they keep making money like this. They can get the money they need for a fresh start without having to draw anymore attention to themselves.

"You think this friend of yours will be willing to hire any more of us?" Hosea added after a moment pause which caused Arthur to grin.

"Well I was going to ask if you know anyone that is willing to help out. I was thing Charles and Javier. You too if your feeling up to it," Arthur said while lighting up a smoke as he silently watch as Hosea thought over his suggestion.

"That's actually a good line up, I also say we add Lenny since the boy has been getting restless and maybe John to if he can." Hosea said which caused Arthur to scowl.

"I'm okay with Lenny but I don't know if John is able to handle anything that doesn't require him running off in the end," Arthur grumbled out which Hosea ignored since he knows that Arthur will still give John the chance.

"Alright now I'm going to go run this by Dutch and then we can go one about informing this friend of yours." Hosea said before patting Arthur on the shoulder and saying.
"Ya did good boy." before walking towards Dutch's tent.

"Well I better start getting everyone," Arthur said before walking towards Lenny and Charles to tell them about a possible job.

Sorry for the late update! I'll have the next chapter up soon! 

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