Chapter 8 It starts

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"Hello Ms. Auray! Its nice to see you again!" A man by the name of Albert said as she walked into his shop of 'exotic' things and towards his desk.

"Nice to see you as well Albert," Oceans said as she took a seat in a chair across from him and pulled out a note pad and opened it before sliding it over to him.
"So this is what I've got so far."

"Ah, the collectibles I asked you to retrieve for me. I take it those filthy neanderthals are giving you are hard time?" He asked while throwing a smile her way before continuing scanning over the pad.

"Tch, them plus more," Oceans grumbled out before continuing, "You take out one its seems that twice that amount takes theirs. Yet, now I can say I'm more closer now then ever then getting what your asking for."

"Good, everything in that jewelry box is very important to both my family and I would hate for it to remain out of our hands for to long," Albert said as he marked somethings off on the pad before adding some more writing before sliding it back to her.
"Now this is what I fount about that business thing of yours. All the best suppliers in the area, all having very deep pockets. Some needing it to be....taken care of sort to speak."

"I'll get right on to it," Oceans said as she scanned her eyes over the list that help a couple of names on it and where to find them. Closing the pad and placing it back into her bag she then reach over to shake Albert's hand who returned the gesture with a smile.

"Nice doing business with you Ms.Auray," he said before waving her good-bye which she returned before getting on her horse and heading to the fence in town to sell a few things.

"I'll have to stop by the local gunsmith and my camp to gear up for this little trip I have to take," Oceans said as she got off her horse and walked through the market while being careful of pick-pocketing brats that seemed to swarm the streets in the area.

As quickly as she could she sold her items to the fence and was on her way to the gunsmith to get a few upgrades done on her riffle and to also obtain a few things.

This being both an upgraded gun holster and belt. A better riffle with an improved scope, along with a new knife and reinforced rope. This job that Albert had her going on was going to be a tough one but not one she hadn't done before. Plus getting rid of most of those names will be good for her bounty hunting business she had going on.

With a small thanks to the shop keeper she exited the store and made her journey back to camp. It was during this trip that she ran into a familiar face that brightened her mood easily.

"Arthur!" She yelled when she spotted the cowboy not far up ahead of her on his horse. When she called out to him she nearly laughed at the surprised look on his face when he spotted her.

""Oceans!" He called out with a smile as he moved his horse towards where Oceans was and trotted along next to her.
"Well, well, well what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you this fine evening?"     

"I could ask you the same thing," She asked as she gave him a smile.

"Well nothing much just handling a few things for camp is all," Arthur replied with a sigh, indicating that it didn't go to well.

"Hmm, I see. Well I've been following up on a lead that would help obtain some collectibles for a friend of mine. Also some bounty work that I hope pays as well as it says," Oceans said causing Arthur to chuckle.

"I still can't believe a little lady like you is a bounty hunter," Arthur said which caused Oceans to puff her chest out.

"Oh do believe Arthur, I'm one tough lady," Oceans said which Arthur nodded to.

"Oh I know," Arthur said before pausing for a moment and then asking,
"But if its not a problem I'll like to tag along to uh, make sure everything goes well." Arthur started before quickly adding.
"Not that I don't trust you our anything, it will just give me a peace of mind."The whole time his face was turning pinker and pinker.

"Sure I would love to have you with me."


Two chapters! Hope you like it and I'll have more up later!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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