Chapter 5 A Date in a Witch's Cabin

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To say that Arthur was in awe was not the right words at all, when it came to understand how he felt when he saw Oceans home in the middle of the woods

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To say that Arthur was in awe was not the right words at all, when it came to understand how he felt when he saw Oceans home in the middle of the woods.

"Not to bad hmm?" Oceans asked with a smirk since she took great pride in her home's appearance. 

"No, not to bad at all Ms. Auray," Arthur said as he continued to scan the house, before following Oceans into her home.

"Well I'll start preparing dinner, why don't you make yourself comfortable until then hmm? If you want I have a bath you can use if ya need too....freshen up," Oceans said with a smile as she motioned towards Arthur's blood covered hands he gained after skinning the bear.

"I hear ya, I hear ya," Arthur said with a smile as he shock his head fondly before tilting his hat to Oceans and going towards where she motioned was the bathroom with her giggles following behind him.

As Arthur disappeared behind the door Oceans quickly got to work. Moving around her kitchen she pulled out a couple of pork loins, a couple of potatoes, 3 cans of green beans, garlic, a jar of honey, and finally a single slice of ham....oh and butter plus a dash of pepper.

"Alright then lets get to work," Oceans mumbled to herself before moving to heat up her oven,before moving to gather some pork loins from her fridge. [Don't worry I checked, there was fridges during this time.]

"There we go," she mumbled softly as she then moved to get the needed ingredients for her honey garlic pork chops and also making sure she grabbed everything she needed for the sides which was green beans mixed with potatoes and ham.

Quickly she got to work, wanting to impress Arthur with her cooking skills she was determined for everything to be perfect.

It was when she had finally slide the pan of pork chops into the oven and was pulling out a large pot to cook the sides, when Arthur finally came out of the bathroom and joined her in the kitchen.

"So what's on the menu today?" Arthur asked as he stepped into the kitchen while drying his hands with a rag.

"Oh, that will be a surprise Mr. Morgan," Oceans teased with a wink before continuing, "Would you like something to drink? I don't drink but I do have a few bottles of the good stuff that I fount while out collecting valuables."

"Well if you insist, I'll love a drink," Arthur said as he sat down in one of the dinning chairs and removing his hat and placing it on the table, all while offering Oceans a charming smile.

"One bottle of the good stuff coming right up," she said before moving to reach into a cabinet and pulling out a bottle of Gran Corazon Madeira and a glass before handing it to him.

"Oh, this is the good stuff," Arthur said to himself before pouring out a glass and taking a swig before releasing a sigh of satisfaction.

"Only the best for my favorite cowboy," Oceans said before blowing a teasing kiss that had Arthur's ears turning red, which seemed to be a normal occurrence whenever he is around her.

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