Chapter 4 Hunting and Scavenger Hunts

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"So this is the area?" Oceans asked as she and Arthur hitched their horse to a tree and moved to survey the land.

"Yep, this is the place, if that map of yours mean anything," Arthur confirmed as he moved to stand next to Oceans before gesturing forward and offering her his arm in a gentlemanly fashion and asked, "Well shall we?"

"Why of course Mr. Morgan," Oceans replied with a shy chuckle before looping her arm with Arthur's and moving forward to look for the flower together.

It took a while but with Arthur's 'skills' it was much easier to locate the ever evasive flower.

"I do believe that this is what you're looking for, Ms. Auray," Arthur stated while carefully plucking the flower from the ground and handing it out to Oceans who took it with a content on her face.

"Why thank you Mr. Morgan," she said softly which caused Arthur to smile shyly back with a tilt of his hat.

"Is there anything else you need?" Arthur asked while moving to lean on a tree that was behind him while pulling out a cigarette.

"Hmm, not that I can recall at the moment," Oceans answered while plucking the cigarette from his hands before he can light it and placed it back in his satchel.
"These are bad for ya, by the way Mr. Morgan."

"Oh, what would I do without ya?" Arthur asked teasingly while shaking his head, causing Oceans to giggle at his behavior with fondness.

"Oh, I wouldn't have the slightest idea, dear." Oceans said before moving forward with Arthur releasing a chuckle of his own as he followed closely behind her.

"So tell me a little bit more about that bear," Arthur asked as he scanned the area as the two moved deeper into the wooden area.

"Well, as you already know, he is one tough son of a gun, so you know its going to take a lot to bring em, down," Oceans started as she too began to scan the area looking for any clues to the whereabouts of the grizzly. 
"But you will be prepared for that, so the main thing is to simply avoid getting mauled to death."

"Well I have that covered," Arthur said with a smirk causing Oceans to give him a serious look before breaking face and laughing while giving him a playful shove.    

"Dang it Arthur! I'm serious," Oceans laughed out  while moving to pull out a tiny flask filled with black rose petals and a sweet smelling concoction and handed it over towards a now confused look on his face as he carefully took the flask from her.

"Dang it Arthur! I'm serious," Oceans laughed out  while moving to pull out a tiny flask filled with black rose petals and a sweet smelling concoction and handed it over towards a now confused look on his face as he carefully took the flask from her

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"May I ask what this is?" Arthur asked as he carefully rolled the small flask around in his hand, examining it it, in hopes of the answers to just pop out of him.

"Its for protection. I made it yesterday so it should still be pretty strong," Oceans said causing Arthur to look at her with even more confusion.

"How is this little thing supposed so protect me from the ever so bigger bear?" He sassed causing Oceans to chuckle.

"Well Mr. Morgan if you haven't heard I'm a witch sweetie," Oceans answered with a wink causing Arthur to shake his head with a small smile.

"Well I'll just take your word for it and keep this on me," he said while putting the flask in his pocket before continuing to lead Oceans deeper into the woods before he spotted the first clue to where the bear could be.  

"So, any ideas on where the bear is?" Oceans asked when she noticed Arthur staring at something out in the distance.

"I believe so," Arthur said before turning to Ocean and continuing and saying, "Come on, follow me."

"Okay," Oceans said, trusting Arthur completely and silently following Arthur who was walking towards what Oceans can guess is a pile of crap of some kind.

"Well, I reckon we fount our first clue," Arthur said as he crouched down and shifted to get a better look, while Oceans looked on in confusion.

"How the hell can you tell that's bear crap and well not some other animals?" Oceans asked still not understanding how anyone can tell the difference.

"Well I can't really explain in a way that is easy to understand, so just trust me on this," Arthur said after a moments pause since he really had no clue on how to explain it. This was just a trait that came easy to him...not identifying who's crap is who's. The whole being able to track things, is what he meant.

"Okay then," Oceans said before Arthur stood up and began to follow some tracks left behind the bear that only he could see.

It wasn't long before the two fount what they where looking for. The legend about the grizzly was no joke. Standing taller then any other grizzly the two either ever seen or heard of, the grizzly oozed intimidation. With a few growls the bear walked around the field stopping every now and then to either sniff at the ground or the air before moving around some more.

"So what's our plan of action?" Oceans asked as she moved to stand behind a tree along with Arthur and pecked to keep an eye on the bear.

"Well first we ready our weapons and then we simply take shots at it while keeping our distance. With the two of us firing at it, it would be easier to being it down," Arthur said while moving to start changing out his regular ammo out with the express ammo Oceans gave him.

"Got'ya," Oceans said with a nod before moving to put her choice of ammo in her gun which was the high velocity ammo.

Armed with their chosen weapons, Oceans with her duel semi-automatic pistol and Arthur with his litchfield repeater, the two began to quickly take aim. Only a second passed before the two began to unload on the now very angry beast.

"Alright that seemed to really get his attention," Arthur said as he moved to reload his gun while Oceans chuckled.

"You can say that again," Oceans said before looking back towards the bear and noticed that it was now advancing towards the two. "I think we should get a move on before it reaches us."

"Agreed," Arthur said before the two raced away from their location while every now and then taking shots at the bear. To most this would be horrifying but to the two of them it was more of a fun moment  between old friends.

It wasn't long until the wounds the bear gained began to slow it down, to the point that even Oceans can tell the beast was about to die from its injuries.

"Haha, we got'em Arthur! We got'em!" Oceans cheered while jumping around before then wrapping her arms around Arthur in excitement surprising him completely.

"Hehe, I guess we did," Arthur said softly while shyly wrapping his arms around the excited woman.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I think this calls for a celebration!" Oceans said as she removed herself from Arthur's arms [reluctantly] and winked at him with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, well who am I to turn down an invitation from 'The' Oceans Auray, to a celebration" Arthur sassed with a smirk of his own causing Oceans to giggle.

"Oh, stop its just dinner," Oceans said while following Arthur who moved to skin the bear and moving to sit next to him as he worked.

"Well, I still will be honored to eat dinner with ya," Arthur said while giving her a small smile before continuing to skin the bear, now with the two sitting in comfortable silence.

Well hope you like it! Thank you to all that have been reading this story! I will have the next update up soon!!

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